Ashley Nolan Age: 26 Occupation: Lifeguard This is the dark horse of the season folks. We have the fan tied in with a good challenge player and a pretty instantaneous mind. Instantaneous people are so good at Survivor because that is exactly how you have to be when playing the game. The fact that she just quit her day time job for a job like being a life guard just screams Survivor player to me. The fact that she said she is like Richard Hatch is interesting to. Ashley doesn't seem like superfan, but a fan of the show. The idea of someone really looking at the great Richard Hatch and they are like them in modern Survivor is something that is really intriguing to me. Ashley doesn't seem like she is going to be a great loser though so that could cause her some problems in the game, but ultimately she has a good shot. The big thing that worries me is that she looks like she is already sunburned! This has before the game has even started! Get this girl some sun block! Prediction: Merge
Katrina Radke Age: 46 Occupation: Former Olympian Wow, this woman has a lot of energy for being 46 years old. This is another one of those people that could go in either direction this game. On one side, Katrina could be like who she said she was like, Denise Stapley. Denise was very genuine, very smart, and very adventurous. Or Katrina could be like Coach/Debbie and be really wrapped up in herself and really spout her worldviews out to the other members of her Tribe. This could cause her to be in arguments and other conflicts with members of her tribe. Strategically, I don't see her being that sophisticated. She does seem like she is going to be able to hold her own in the challenges just because of her background in swimming and if she can make it to some of the tribe swaps and mix it up with some of these other personalities she might be okay. However, Katrina is going to have to tone it down A LOT and it will be interesting to see if she can do that. Prediction: Pre-Merge