It’s my junior year; you would think I would have this down by now. Yet, when dead week turns into the driveway of finals week, I start to panic.
How do they expect us to make it out alive when they have literally called it "dead week"?
This quarter I have no finals during finals week. You might be saying, “Cool Sydney! How did you get that set up? I’m so jealous!” You know, I thought that at first, too. I thought I was really cool for having no finals and for getting to be done a week early.
I was wrong; it just means all my finals are a week earlier than everyone else’s. I’m choking on the stress.
Here is how I survive finals.
1. Think this time it’s going to be different.
Because you think you’ve learned your lesson every time.
2. Get over whelmed and cry.
3. Make a to-do list, write everything in your planner, fill in your wall calendar.
Checking things off is so satisfying. I sometimes write things down just so I can check them off.
4. Eat a lot of food.
Stress eating is real. Order a pizza; you deserve it. Eat a pint of ice cream;, you deserve it. Order another pizza and get a milkshake;, you deserve it.
5. Forget to eat food.
There’s no time when you’re writing a 10-page, single- spaced paper on how people communicate.
6. Have a breakdown.
7. Call your mom.
8. Change your life plans while on the phone with your mom.
Mine has heard me change my major like six times. You can borrow her if you want; she’s really good at accepting the inevitable.
9. Finish a paper and feel like you’re on top of the world.
You’re doing great! Keep going! You still have so much to do!
10. Cry again.
No one is judging you as long as you don’t make eye contact.
11. Fall asleep reading a textbook, on your laptop, in a corner of the library, etc.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
12. Call your mom again.
This time it’s because you need to see if she can read over your essay before you submit it.
13. Try to remember the last time you showered.
14. Take a shower.
15. Call your mom.
Just because you miss her.
16. Realize it’s over and you did it.
I always knew you could.