Your final semester of college can be exciting, emotional, and terrifying. It can also be incredibly stressful. But, who knows how to handle craziness better than the employees of Dunder Mifflin? Here's some advice for getting through that final semester as told by The Office.
1. Take advantage of free food
In college there are tons of events on campus and many of them have free food. Take advantage of this while you still can.
2. Use campus services
Since you're technically paying for them, make sure to use the services that campus has to offer. Never again will things like counseling, fitness equipment, and career advisement be available without paying tons of extra fees.
3. Spend as much time as possible with your college friends
Your close friends won't always live nearby. Make sure to spend as much time with them as you can before you graduate, even if you do get on each other's nerves once in a while.
4. Have fun while you can
Your final semester can be very stressful and it can be difficult to squeeze in fun. Have fun while you can and don't feel guilty.
5. Don't waste time worrying about the future
Allow things to fall into place. Spending too much time worrying can make for a miserable semester.
6. Make the most of it
Before you know it college will be over. Take this final semester as a chance to really celebrate all that you've accomplished these last four years.