If your college is anything like mine you still have two weeks to go until you finally reach Spring Break! With all of your former high school friends posting pictures of their fabulous times in 80-degree weather, on the beach, and letting go of all of their stressors how are we supposed to survive the dreaded week(s) that stand between us and our break?
1. Plan ahead.
Take some time to plan what you're going to accomplish over Spring break. This allows you to step away from all of the chaos of college and prep yourself for all of the exciting things to come.
2. Go shopping.
That's right, treat yourself! Buy that dress you've imagined yourself wearing on the beach in two weeks. Trust me, it's a need not a want.
3. Get involved.
Even though you are mid- way through your second semester of college it's never too late to get involved on campus. Waste your time being productive after class and your days will go by even quicker... that or take a nap.
4. Start a countdown on your phone.
Get the app, apply a tropical background, and watch the numbers count down to 1!
5. Let the idea of spring break being right around the corner to motivate you through the week.
This idea is a given. You're almost there! You've got this! Get through your final exams, presentations, classes, practices, etc because you're about to be laying on the beach (or cuddling with your dogs at home) and nothing can compare to that!