If this is your first year of college, prepare yourself. The end of the year is approaching and will be here sooner than you think.
Last year, I made the mistake of assuming that the end of the school year would be very similar to the end of the first semester. I was wrong.
The main difference between the two is that many of us have classes that extend across both semesters. Finishing work for those courses at the end of the first semester is a more relaxed process, as you can expect to continue working with the same material for another couple of months.
Also, the end of the year brings all sorts of added stress in the forms of moving out, saying goodbye, and deciding what next year will hold.
All in all, this can be a lot to handle at once. I definitely was not ready for it last year. However, I've lived and learned, and can now tell you what you should be expecting for the period of time between spring break and summer.
The most important thing is to not let the end of the year creep up on you. Start planning now. If you plan to stay on campus again next year, you've probably already figured out your living arrangements. But planning doesn't stop there.
Now's the perfect time to come up with a game plan. Spring break gives you plenty of time to start planning. Space out your larger decisions throughout the course of the semester, so that you won't be caught off-guard when the time comes around to start planning your future.
Also, I know this sounds cheesy and repetitive, but honestly, start prepping for finals now. The end of the year is just a jumble of activity where anything can happen. You may end up with your two hardest finals on the same day, or you might find that you have very little time to study during the week before finals. Just study a little more here and there, so you're ready to go when it's finals time. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
Finally, don't forget to take a step back and breathe. While your education is important, your physical and mental well-being is the most important thing you have. Take care of yourself, and try to stay away from overexertion. Your body will thank you.