I have spent almost four years working towards a degree that will finally be mine in just forty short days. I have spent hours reading and writing and studying and going to class to have it all close enough to see, but not yet reach. And lately, no matter what I do, I can’t seem to get anything done. I have a severe case of senioritis, and it is contagious (and made way worse by sunny days). Every time I am sitting on my couch or at a desk with my computer on my lap, it seems even the birds are chirping a message to me, wanting me to close my laptop, shut my books, toss my pencil in the garbage, and take a walk to the park. I have to keep it (somewhat) together for just a little while longer. Otherwise my mom is going to be pretty angry. I have come up with a few ways to beat (or at least tame) senioritis.
One way to survive senioritis, is to actually take breaks. Getting together with friends and doing an hour of work at a time with breaks in between for Dunkin Donuts runs and Grey’s Anatomy episodes doesn’t sound as terrible as sitting alone in the library somewhere.
Another definite way to beat the spring semester blues is to do your homework outside. Senioritis for me is kicking into overdrive because it is starting to get nicer outside and I want to enjoy that warm sun after suffering through months of another winter in western New York. Sitting outside with your book in your lap, an iced green tea from Starbucks and a fresh pair of sunglasses on makes for a way better day, and a pretty cool Snapchat story.
Making a list of “lasts” to do during the weekend is another way to get through the senioritis. Spending my weekends full of Main Street food and classic Geneseo fun with my friends is the only thing getting me through the week.
All I want to do during my last weeks is hangout with my friends and play Kan Jam behind my apartment building. Sadly I do actually have to keep being a student until May. If I keep trying to follow my own advice though, I might just actually make it without senioritis taking me down first.