Surviving The End Of The Semester As Told By 'The Walking Dead' | The Odyssey Online
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Surviving The End Of The Semester As Told By 'The Walking Dead'

Surviving The End Of The Semester As Told By 'The Walking Dead'

As the days left in the semester decline, the stress levels that students face rise. With every group project and presentation building up, and with finals approaching, it's almost impossible to keep all of your sanity. Some days you might just be wishing for a zombie apocalypse, because that might be less stressful.

So, while we're all trying to survive, take a page from the playbook from Rick's crew, in "The Walking Dead" that manages to survive no matter what.

1. Some days, you're pretty sure that you are a zombie.

What's that smell? Is it someone's rotting flesh? Oh, no. It's just a kid who hasn't found the time to shower or sleep in three days.

2. But even though you're sleep deprived, you keep fighting to survive those deadlines.

Four group projects due on the same day? Two papers due right after that? You might lose a part of yourself, but you will make it through.

3. Regular household chores start to build up.

There comes a day in everyone's life when they wake up to realize they have no clean underwear. There are only a few options here. You can either wash your clothes, buy more underwear, or succumb to some nasty stuff. I'd rather not go into detail.

4. To make matters worse, your professor told your class you won't be getting a study guide for the final.

Study guides are practically cheating, the professor said. You must know all of the things, the professor said. Does the professor know that you don't have time for their s**t anymore?

5. On top of that, a professor might throw in extra work that wasn't on the syllabus.

More than likely, some professors spend their time at night plotting against their students in ways that are more diabolical than anything the Governor ever did.

6. As the stress builds, you will probably cry.

There may be nights where you whisper to yourself, "I know we'll be okay. Because this is how we survive. We tell ourselves... that we are the walking dead." During this time, you'll more than likely be slightly tipsy and there will be tears. So many tears.

7. You have to give a special shout out to the person in the group project that actually did the work.

You all would have failed the course without that person. You made it through because of them.

8. Now if you're the person in the group who did all the work, your feelings might not be mutual.

The time finally comes when it's time to fill out group member evaluations. John and Sue, who didn't do any work at all, are now trying to suck up to you. But it's too late. They've already signed their grade over to you.

9. Yet somehow the slackers make it through.

Nothing is worse than finding out that the guy who did absolutely nothing made a better grade in the class than you did. Usually this person gets the grade because they weren't afraid to cheat or cut corners.

10. You may get so caught up in some assignments that you forget to turn in others.

Awwh, no, no, no. You got so stressed out about finishing up a presentation that you forgot to turn in your discussion questions for another class.

11. Even though the end of the semester sucks, at least it's finally time to evaluate the professors.

Hey, professor, remember that time you said the presentation was "great" but then took off points for my height and flats instead. The weeks have gone by, and my anger has only grown. Good luck with tenure, though.

12. But in the end, you still manage to kick a**.

Finals are no match for you, you warrior of knowledge. You made it through -- even if the ordeal ate away at your sanity.

13. So, go ahead and celebrate.

You toughed it out. Now it's time to celebrate and relax during break.

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