Unfortunately, the taste of home we have had for Thanksgiving break cannot last forever. As we go back to school, there are assignments, presentations and finals standing in the way between us and the much needed holiday break. There are two options to approaching the remaining weeks of fall semester: complain and be miserable, or give it your all. These are a few of the many ways to make sure you survive the remaining weeks of the semester.
Write everything out.
Write out assignments, meetings, work schedules, final exam dates and everything and anything that needs to be done before the end of the semester. To-do lists are the easiest way to organize and prioritize what needs to be accomplished. Setting a visual of everything that needs to be done before the end of the semester will keep you on track and relieve stress. Plus, nothing feels better than crossing off that paper you were dreading when it is over with.
Remember that sleep is important.
I know it feels like you need to pull an all-nighter to do well on finals. There are not enough hours in a day to study perfectly, so do not beat yourself up over it. The pressure of studying on top of being exhausted will only lead to more stress. Give you and your brain a break, and let yourself rest as much as you can the night before that big final. If it is needed, look over the content while getting ready. You will be better off going in refreshed and well-rested.
Find an escape from the stress and frustration.
This stress relief can come in many forms. Whatever you find works best to escape the pressure of school, do it. Go to the gym for an hour, spend some time watching Netflix or go out to eat with friends. Even though it feels like you must study nonstop, that can be more destructive than letting yourself take a break. Once you leave your schoolwork behind, you will come back to it with regained motivation.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You are so, so close to the end of the semester. Just think of the long holiday break that awaits as soon as that last final is over. Use that as motivation to do your best at knocking out all of your remaining assignments and finals. Think thoughts of Christmas, sleeping in your own bed and eating food that is not from the dining hall. Remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that it is quickly approaching.
Most importantly, make the most of the remaining semester.
It is assumed that finals week is something that everyone absolutely must dread. Yes, it’s rough. But this does not mean that you should make it rough. There is always time to spend time with friends, order a pizza and watch a movie. Make sure that through the craziness you are making time to be with the people at school who mean the most before everyone parts ways at the end of the semester.
Good luck!