This past week, I was sitting in my Qualitative Research in Communications class. Being being that it is the middle of midterm season, everyone seems a little on edge lately. But, I was a tad surprised that one of my classmates practically begged our professor to push back one of our assignments. This led to a huge class discussion about how teachers don't understand that students have internships, jobs, and other assignments and it isn't right to keep piling on work during midterms because it makes students overly stressed. I was speechless! How is it that I face the issues but I still manage to have a relatively stress free life? So, I've decided to come up with some ideas to stay sane during midterms
1. Do assignments the night they are assigned.
If you do an assignment the night it is assigned it prevents all of your work from piling up into a chaotic mess.
2. Utilize your spare time.
If you have an hour or two between classes during the day that you usually designate for nap time or Netflix, use that time to work on assignments instead which will free up your night too!
2. Study a little bit every night.
Studying a little bit every night has really helped me. Even if I don’t have a class for a few more days, I still make sure to study it. It will keep the material fresh in my mind and it will save me the stress of cramming the information into my brain the night before the test. This goes the same for prolonged projects and essays. If you work on a project or an essay a little bit every night, you’ll slowly chip away at the work that needs to be done and will most likely produce a better, more organized product.
3. Change up where you do your work.
I’ve found that if I do homework in complete silence, I get bored and irritable, so, the library isn’t a very productive environment for me. But, if I do homework in my dorm, I’m likely to find something or someone to distract me. I’ve found that if I do my homework in my favorite building on campus I am so much more productive. Sometimes you are more productive depending on the environment you are in.
It's always important to remember that every situation will be what you make of it. Homework and tests are only stressful if you make them stressful for yourself! Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and do your best. If you put too much pressure on yourself you might actually hinder your ability to succeed!