Surviving College Housing Selection Season 101 | The Odyssey Online
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Surviving College Housing Selection Season 101

"BPM" - Breaking Point Mode

Surviving College Housing Selection Season 101

Ah yes, it is that time of year once again, Spring is here...just kidding, it's HOUSING SELECTION SEASON KIDS! Woohoo can't wait...maybe...ya no...let the Housing Hunger Games begin folks.

Why is housing so stressful? Honestly, I don't have an answer for you, but you know what? I do have some tips for you on how to, not necessarily overcome it, but to at least survive it for yet another year. Ok here's the ultimate survival guide you will need once your time comes to pick a nice new home for yet another college year.

1. "GGG" - Gather a Gucci Gang

I cannot emphasize enough that YOU SHOULD BE LIVING WITH A SQUAD THAT YOU JIVE WITH!! While you are on the roomie hunt think about not only who you enjoy being around but also whether or not you can live with them; take in account your living habits as well as theirs. Although they may be your bestie, they may not be the filling to your Oreo cookie. That's just how it is sometimes. Find your creamy fillings people.

2. "MGP" - Major Game Plan...

...maybe a few??? Ya having 10 game plans should be grand.

Organize your team players. Decide who will be in which room and make sure you have MULTIPLE housing location ideas because you may not get your number one pick. Be prepared for whatever may block your road to housing victory. Don't stress about those simple speed bumps cause y'all are going to have a bible of plans and end up in a prime place no matter what cause you're going to be with the main crew anyways-- they make your experience, not the building or home you live in.

3. "S&S" - Select & Sip

Yes, housing calls for a pregame 100%. Dig out that Titos that you've been dreading of drinking again ever since that "one weekend" that we all want to forget because the Housing Hunger Games are about to begin. Sip, sip, click, click those housing choices chiquitas.

4. "GDTB" - Get Down To Business

It's all fun and games during Step 3 but once Housing Selection Day comes y'all better prepare to whip out your freshman year Intro to Business skills ASAP. Grab your laptop, paper, pencil, ID numbers and whatever else you may need. You are a professional housing master: content, calm, cool, and collected even though you may be having a hurricane form inside of you, don't let that stress show. You got a plan (refer to Step 2). With a plan (and a little help from Stage 3) you will be gucci to go.

5. "BPM" - Breaking Point Mode

This is the point where you're about to live in a cardboard box for the remaining of your college years. Wow, what a nice single-box life it would be.

6. "YGK" - You Got the Keys

Major (housing) Key Alert! ~ As Dj Khaled would say. Congrats homies, you successfully nailed down a place to live come next fall! Bless up! Although you did some S&S (Select & Sip) during Tip 3, pop open the cheapest champagne that every college student is bound to be able to afford from your local corner store and get lit (of course, only if you have no classes or plan on skipping for the rest of the day).

Time to plan your dorm decorations, but we'll save that for next time...

Be safe. Party hard and kill it my loves.

Much love.

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