With Thanksgiving break over, we are thrust back into a few short weeks of the chaos of college finals before getting a month break. To get to that break, however, we must survive the time we all dread the most in each semester - finals. Read on to find out a few tips on how to survive.
1. Make A Plan
Use an agenda to organize your time wisely. Plan when to work on your assignments in order to get them finished on time, and allow yourself breaks to free yourself from possible stressful situations that could arise.
2. Put Your Phone Down
Stray away from all distractions when studying, especially your phone! Use productivity applications on your phone and laptops when working.
3. Study
Whether you work better in groups, or by yourself, allow yourself plenty of time prior to your test to start studying. Save yourself the stress of cramming a semester's worth of knowledge into a one-day study session.
4. Take Breaks
Do not overload yourself with work! Allow yourself some time to get away from your work and get your mind off your looming deadlines and tests by meeting with friends or taking a walk.
5. Treat Yourself
Allow yourself rewards for getting through finals, while studying for them and after you have completed them. You earned it!
6. Maintain Healthy Habits
Remain healthy in order to be in your best mind when taking your finals. Eat, keep hydrated, and don't drink too much caffeine.
7. Sleep!
While you may stay up late studying or writing essays, it is important you get enough sleep to be completely focused when taking your finals. Sleep may seem like your last priority when trying to get your work done to have your desired grades, but sleep is also very important.