Congratulations! You have been accepted into the college of your dreams! You have officially moved into your dorm, and you are on your way to being super close with your new roommate already.
You are finally away from mom and dad, and this freedom is amazing. You can go where ever you want, when ever you want.
Before you know it, school will start. Once school starts, the infamous syllabus week begins. Syllabus week is the first week of the semester, where you get to learn who your professor is, and where your class actually is.
This week is the second most crucial week of the semester, right behind Finals week. Here are some Do's and Don'ts of Syllabus Week.
1. Buy your textbook before going to class.
This is a big one. You have to buy your text books now, you can't rely on the school to give you a copy. If you know you're going to need one but don't want to buy the $200 textbook, there are different sites you can go to rent your book for cheap. My go-to is Slugbooks.
They search multiple websites and give you the best deal.
2. Space out
This is the time where your professor will drop hints about random pop quizzes or how they do certain things in their room. If you are not careful, you could wind up falling behind before the actual work starts.
3. Hide in your dorm
This is a major 'Don't'! Syllabus week is also Welcome Week! Go out and meet people around your dorm and the mall area. It's worth it. I met one of my best friends during welcome week.
4. Skip class
Much like spacing out, this one will get you in trouble. Once you skip one class, you end up skipping more. It's a vicious cycle in which you should never enter.
1. Read the syllabus before class.
If you have access to this before class, then read it. It will give you an insight on your professor and what is expected of you. This is also a good time to see if you want to stay or drop.
2. Be social.
This! By being social, you can form study groups. Study groups are a huge must for surviving college. Meet and befriend at least one person in each class. You'll need this for the days you can't get out of bed.
3. Be early.
This serves two purposes: the first one is so you can find your classroom and building, the second is so you can easily find a place to sit. Especially as a freshman, you'll be huge lecture halls that seat upwards of 250 people. You'll need the time to find a seat where you will be comfortable.
4. Write down everything.
Everything is important, even on the first week. Important dates will be given, and certain supplies that are not on the syllabus will be spoken about. Be prepared for that.
Good luck on your first semester of college!