So you're a college student that's returned home for the summer. What do you do now? You're away from your college friends and have no more school responsibilities. There's a whole summer before you and you don't know how you're going to survive it without your college friends by your side. Well, here's what you can do to get through the long summer and back to college in the fall.
1. Relax
The first thing to do after getting home is to relax. You've survived another year of college and that deserves the four months of break you're going to get. No more papers, projects or finals. You don't have to think about school or anything that goes along with it. Think about summer and everything that you're going to do with that time.
2. Take a road trip
Nothing is better than getting in your car and driving wherever you want. A road trip can have a destination hundreds of miles away or somewhere close to home. Whatever it is, just go somewhere. Staying in your house all summer is a recipe for a boring summer. Don't you want something exciting to tell your friends when you go back to school?
3. Reconnect with high school friends
This one might be a little harder. You might have lost touch with your high school friends or you might feel awkward popping back into their lives, but it's so worth it. Your friends in high school were there for when you were still a teenager trying to find your way in the world and graduate. Now that you're in college you might have some things figured out, but part of you is still that same person you were in high school. Your old friends will be happy to hear from you.
4. Keep busy with a job
It might not sound like the best way to spend the summer, but it results in money right? Keeping busy with a job will distract you from the fun you're not having with your friends at school. It will make the time go faster until you can get back to having fun.
5. Spend some time with family
Even if you don't like spending a lot of time with your family, still do it. You've been gone for months and they missed you. Family dinners or events are a must while you're home for the summer. You get to catch up with everyone that you haven't seen in awhile and get to hear all the latest family gossip. No matter what it will be a good time.
6. Stay in contact with your college friends
At the beginning of the summer, you might drift away from talking to your college friends. You need some time apart after a long year with them, but don't cut them out completely. They're the friends that were your home away from home. There's a special bond there. So over the summer, talk to them as much as possible and try to meet up sometime. It'll make your summer a lot brighter.
7. Treat yourself
While you were at school you were probably saving money as much as possible and being as cheap as possible. Now that you're home for the summer and hopefully working, treat yourself. Buy the things you told yourself you couldn't while you were at school. Go to that expensive restaurant you love. It's all worth it.
8. Try something new
It's hard to find things to do during the summer, so why not try something new? Trying something new is always an adventure and will usually turn out alright. It you're struggling to find fun things to do during the summer try something you've always wanted to try. Go skydiving, hike a mountain, learn to surf. Whatever it is, it will make your summer more exciting.
9. Prepare for school
Even though it seems like school is so far away, it'll sneak up on you. Before you know it, it will be the night before you move back in and you haven't packed at all. So do a little bit at a time throughout the summer. It'll get you prepared to move back in and also give you something to look forward to all summer.
In the end, there are plenty of things you can do with your summer that you don't need your college friends for. It might be hard to be separated from them for so long, but you can do it. Just keep them in contact and try to plan a meet up with them. It'll all work out and before you know it, you'll be reunited with them in the fall.