Returning back to school from Christmas break can be pretty exciting--your friends are all in the same place and things are familiar again. However, going back to waking up before noon and being productive is something that we'll all have to get used to. Here are some tips to help make the second semester worthwhile:
1. Actually get some sleep the first week
The first week back can easily be hell if you don't get enough sleep. Our bodies aren't used to only getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night compared to the 10 to 12 hours over break. Go to sleep a little earlier to avoid the jet-laggy feeling and have a better week.
2. Write down important dates in advance
It sounds crazy, but checking the syllabus during the first week of classes and then inputting any exam or project dates on a monthly calendar helps put the month in perspective. You'll be able to gage just how busy you'll be, and things won't sneak up on you and give you total anxiety.
3. Stay rational
It's easy for things to feel out of your control, but calming down and giving yourself little reminders can help immensely. Remember you went all throughout your high school career and the first semester of college without giving up, so another semester should be a breeze. You've survived it before, so there's no reason as to why you can't now!
4. Stay grateful
Besides rational reminders, little thankful reminders can help as well. Be thankful that you have the opportunity to go to school. Be thankful that you have friends you can annoy at all hours of the day. Be thankful for your family back home. Being grateful puts things in perspective.
5. Look forward to summer break
Good luck!