How to survive a Hurricane in college?
If you haven’t grown up in a major hurricane hit area, than these storms can seem menacing. In reality, if it’s a low category storm, it consists of a whole lot of rain, a bunch of wind, and no school. Below are the best steps to take to survive your first one, college style.
1. Get water and non-refrigerated food. You can lose power easily in bad storms, so having back up chips and poptarts aren’t a bad idea. Who knows how long you can be stuck inside and no one likes to go outside in the rain.
2. Batteries are a must; also get multiple flashlights in different size. This is a major must get for storms. If you lose power, how are you going to be able to see the friends you have over for the hurricane party?
3. Back up battery chargers for phones and laptops.
It gets really boring waiting out a storm if you can’t play games on your phone
or laptop. So be sure everything is fully charged before the storm hits, because
at this point losing power for even a short amount of time is inevitable.
4. Blankets and pillows in a closed room, if it gets really bad. Wind can be really bad with a lot of rain because once the ground becomes saturated, the trees becoming swaying problems very quickly. Hail can also hit if it’s a large enough storm. So having a place to relax away from windows allows the storm to not seem too bad.
5. Gather some friends. A hurricane doesn’t happen
unless you have friends with you to witness it. Hurricane parties are an actual
thing in areas that are used to being hit by low category storms.
6. Watch a movie, unless the power goes out. Waiting out a storm can become boring quickly. Be sure to have a back-up plan for entertainment handy. Also, if you have a portable DVD player, be sure that is charged for power outages.
7. Worse come to worse, sleep it out. If you do all of these steps and the storm is still going on, go to your dark room and take a nice, long nap. Believe me, it’s the best time for one.