It's nearing the end of the semester, so you're probably starting to realize that finals are impending. Fun, fun, right? Endless stress, less sleep, no will to live... The only upside is that you can eat junk food for hours on end and no one will judge you. You can also cry in public without fear of anyone asking you what is wrong...because finals. So considering that this time is actual torture, I created a realistic survival guide. Follow it, don't follow it: I honestly don't care. I'm in the middle of my finals right now, so you can catch me stress-eating instead of convincing you to listen to me.
Step 1: Deny, deny, deny.
What finals?
Me @ me: You don't have those yet. You have like a month before that happens. Shh, shh. No, you have time. There is so much time before you have those. Those are like forever away.
Step 2: Acceptance.
Step 3: "Cramming."
You meant to study. You really did. But...first you had to check Facebook, then Twitter, then Instagram... And you definitely had to send out a Snap of yourself "studying" at the library... And the time just kind of got away from the exam isn't for another day or two anyway.
Step 4: Anxiety.
Me @ me: Did you even learn anything the entire semester? Like...what is this crap? What about the time you skipped class??? Do you think that will be on the exam? What if you didn't do the readings? Were they even required? Crap! Maybe you should just drop out and become a stripper.
Step 5: Cry.
Cry a lot.
Step 6: Cramming. (For real this time.)
"I've had like 80 shots of espresso in the past like two days. I think i got an hour nap yesterday? I'm fine. This is fine."
Step 7: The Exam(s).
I studied. I'm fine. Wait...what class is this again?
Step 7: The End/Death.
...just wait until the grades come out.