For anyone who has been following the news or has opened any social media platform has learned that America has a Clown Epidemic. These clown sightings have spread across the country with people being chased by clowns and even schools getting threats of mass murdering. While some of these clown sightings are just teenagers trying to prank the scared, some of these sightings are real. These clowns try to lure children into woods, which has everyone worried. With Halloween coming around the corner, I decided to come up with a list to help you survive the Clownpocalypse of 2016.
1. Strength In Numbers
Ever heard of the buddy system? Use it! Don't go alone at night anywhere. If you live in the middle of nowhere, don't go out alone! Stay on crowded streets instead. Also, use the buddy system to your advantage. If a clown does approach you, sacrifice your friend and get the hell out of there!
2. Report Everything
The police have had a huge problem with false sightings being reported but if you actually do see something, tell someone! Let your community know that there may be a potential psycho killer clown on the loose.
3. Carry Protection
Don't go around empty handed. Invest in some pepper spray or some other sort of protection. It’s always nice to know that you have some sort of protection just in case you do have a clown encounter that turns bad.
4. Stay In Your Car!
Many videos have come up where people who run into clowns then get out of their cars to square up. Now is not the time to look manly and try to take on the clown. Use your car and run the clown over and leave.
5. RUN!
As obvious as it seems, many people decide to forget to run. If you see a clown, run the other way. There is no need to put yourself in a situation where you’re stuck with a clown. If you see a creepy clown on the side of the road or in the woods, don't go investigate. You better start sprinting the other way.
Now, if you just remember these five tips, you can be fully prepared to survive the Clownpocalypse.