In a couple of weeks, college will be starting. And there are some things out there that every college student should know.
This survival guide just isn't for the college freshmen. It's for anyone and everyone that might need some tips on how to survive the best four years of your life.
1. You'll have to learn to live with others
Sometimes it's hard to live with other people. Making compromises is something that is bound to happen in college, and that's perfectly okay. You'll start to realize that you'll do things that bug your roommate, but there are things that might bug you about them too. That bed that you haven't made in a week? The piles of laundry that you haven't done yet? Living with others means you can't procrastinate that much.
2. There will be days that suck
That happens sometimes. I remember days where it didn't seem like today might be the day, but it happens. College will make you realize that it's okay to have a bad day, but that doesn't mean it'll ruin the rest of your life.
3. Manage your time
You don't want to have a lot of all nighters, so managing your time is key to have a balance of fun and education.
4. You don't have to be friends with everyone
You're not in your hometown anymore; you don't need to be friends with everyone. You'll find a niche that will like you for you.
5. Caffeine will be your friend
And if you don't like coffee, you definitely have something to help you function everyday.
6. Are you a morning person or a late person?
For about twelve years, everyone when to school from about 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.,college can change your habits. Schedule classes for times that work with you because you'll realize that late nights might not work for that 8:30 lecture with a monotone professor.
7. Rate My Professor is your key to success.
There are great professors and there are some that are the absolute best. Rate My Professor will help you get the best class with the best professor to have a smoothly done semester.
8. Get on your professor's good side
Professors aren't around to make your life a headache. Office hours are a good thing to go to every once and awhile. Talking to your professors outside of class can help them realize that you aren't just sitting in a desk a couple of times a week, but that you're a human being too.
9. Open yourself to possibilities
You can sit in your room all day, but joining clubs, making friends, and having fun is just the beginning to adulthood. Don't be afraid step outside of your comfort zone sometimes.
10. It's okay to not know what you want.
College is about figuring out who you are and what you want to be when you step out into the world with a degree. Changing a major is always a possibility, and an identity crisis, as well as a mental breakdown, can happen too. But it's perfectly fine to not know what you're doing. It makes you human knowing that it's okay to not have a plan sometimes.
11. Have fun!
College is for you to control. Having fun is something that happens. Don't forget that you're there for an education, but it's okay to have fun too.