Valentine's Day is today. For some, that means overly priced and over the top dates, an obnoxiously huge bouquet of flowers and sappy Facebook posts about how much you love your significant other and how perfect he or she is. For single people, this is just a regular old February 14.
If you are spending this day alone, have no fear. This survival guide will tell you exactly how to go about your day successfully.
1. Celebrate Galentine's Day instead.
Thank you, Leslie Knope! If you don't watch "Parks and Recreation", then you might be a bit confused. Galentine's Day is a day where you celebrate the girlmances you have with your female friends. Gather your girls and grab dinner and a movie. Or just turn up the radio and have an epic dance party with a lot of candy and alcohol.
2. Treat yourself.
Girl when was the last time you took some time to do what made you happy? If you are taking more than two minutes to answer this question then it is time to fix that! Treat yourself to a nice spa day. Or go grab some lunch by yourself and go people watching -- and judging -- in the park. Have a sexy night with just you. Whatever you end up doing, just make sure it is something that makes you happy!
3. Celebrate anti-Valentine's Day.
Grab your single friends, guys or girls, and celebrate the single life. Being single is so great and completely underrated. Go out dancing or to the beach. Show off that single life bad ass swag!
4. Travel.
Take the opportunity of being single and hop into your car and just go. You don't even have to go far, just go somewhere you've never been before. There are so many crazy and interesting places in your town; you've just got to get up and look.
5. Do something you've never done before.
Go skydiving. Go skinny dipping. Kiss a perfect stranger. Just get out of your comfort zone and do something new. You can even make it a game with your friends and see who is the most daring.
6. Relax.
Watch Netflix and actually chill. Sleep in. Stay inside your house in pajama tops and sweats all day. Binge-watch "New Girl". Watch funny videos of people doing ridiculous things on YouTube. Actually give yourself the chance to sleep in -- notice how sleep is in here twice? Get some sleep! Just have a completely lazy day.
7. Get a new hobby.
Valentine's Day is just as good a day to learn how to do something new. Learn how to cook. Take an art class. Go bike riding in the park and accidentally hit the sappy couples you see. Just kidding, don't do that! Just learn something new and fun on this day. And just imagine how many new things you can say you know how to do if you try something different every Valentine's Day.
8. Take advantage of the sales.
Stores make a big deal about Valentine's Day because they know very well that it is the day where couples don't mind splurging on a gift to gain those brownie points. Since stores take advantage of the day, why don't you? There are many amazing sales going on for things like fancy clothes, chocolates and wine. Go buy yourself that sexy red dress, the biggest box of chocolates, the tallest bottle of wine and have yourself a real party.
9. Throw yourself a pity party.
It is perfectly fine to throw yourself a pity party every once in a while. Some women are sad and depressed they are single on Valentine's Day. If you just want to spend the day in bed feeling sorry for yourself then go right ahead. Make the forever alone posts on Facebook. Just make sure your pity party only lasts one day. The next day you pick yourself up, clean yourself off and go about your day like the adult you pretend to be.
10. Remember why you like the single life.
Let me just tell you, the single life is amazing. No relationship drama. No having to pretend to like your partner's mother or overbearing sister. No having to explain why you were out all night. Being single is all about what you make of it. Go be the awesome single person I know you can be.
11. Go to the gym or a yoga class.
What better way to relieve your frustration -- or sexual frustration -- with being single on Valentine's Day than sweating it out in the gym or in a yoga class? Working out while frustrated can also result in you having an intense workout session. Plus, after that workout session, you can have as much candy as you want guilt free -- it truly is a win-win situation.
12. Buy yourself something nice.
Who says you need a man to buy you that charm bracelet you've been eyeing at the jewelry store all month? You deserve to spend money on yourself every once in a while. You don't have to wait for someone to buy you what you want; go do it yourself. You'll be happy because you have the thing you always wanted and you bought it yourself with your own money that you worked hard for. Be a boss and get yourself something nice.
13. Go out on the town.
Just because you don't have a man in your life doesn't mean you can't have fun on Valentine's Day. Slip into that black little number in the back of your closet, do your hair, throw on a smokey eye followed by a fierce red lip and go out on the town. Dance until you no longer have the ability to feel your legs. Sing to the music as loud as you can. Rejoice in the fact you have no one to impress but yourself.
14. Make fun of the sappy couples on Facebook.
It is completely acceptable to grab your laptop and mercilessly make fun of sappy couples in your own head in the comfort of your bedroom. If they want to post proof of how lame they are then they are practically giving you full permission to laugh at them. Sometimes having a good laugh at the ridiculousness you see on Facebook is exactly what you need to feel better.
15. Remember it is just a day.
In all seriousness, I know some women may feel down at the fact that they do not have a special someone on Valentine's Day. I'm here to tell you that it is okay! Valentine's Day should not get you down.
Honestly many people look at it as a way to go on these extravagant dates and write love letters to their men or women on Facebook for one day and never do it again until the next Valentine's Day. You will find that special guy or girl one day, just don't rush it. While you wait for that day to come, just enjoy life as much as possible because you are a bad ass woman.