Formal recruitment is quickly sneaking up on all active members, alum and PNMs. No matter what part of recruitment you're participating in, a stressful, fast-paced, but overall rewarding week is in the near future. With all of the buzz about which houses are the "hottest" at your future college/university, comes a ton of articles and blogs about similar things. Recruitment survival guides can be found all over your social media feeds, but are they really telling PNMs the right things or are some just discouraging and overwhelming?
I know when I was a PNM, knowing nothing about Greek life, I was terrified for rush week. Reading articles that were telling me that I had to find the perfect clothes, the right brand of sweat-proof foundation and makeup primer along with trying to find my forever home in the Greek system pretty much just made me re-think my decisions of rushing. I was already so nervous, and people were already expecting me to wear a certain brand of this or that?
That's why I'm here to put out my revamped, much simpler sorority recruitment survival guide. This is for all the nervous PNMs out there:
Be yourself.
That's it.
Start rush week confidently, and beautifully by being yourself. Nothing else at all. Rush week, although hectic at times, is not meant to be a bad memory. It's meant to be full of happy moments. If you can't perfectly contour your face, who cares? If you're in the right house you will not feel uncomfortable or out of place walking in with sweaty make-up, and humidified hair. It's going to be hot, probably miserably hot, and that stuff happens. You are not expected to look like a supermodel while you are waiting in the 100 degree heat to go to your next party.
With that being said, if you feel more comfortable with a natural, fresh face, then by all means show all of your natural beauty. If you're talented with makeup and hair, then go bold. Not everyone knows how to do that, so flaunt your talents.
I know that being a PNM is nerve-wracking, (been there, done that) but in the end when you are welcomed home with open arms, you're going to wonder why you were ever so scared in the first place.
Remember that the girls on the other side of the process are just as nervous as all of the PNM's. I promise, though, that if you are yourself, and you are confident in being that way that you will find your forever home.
Find the home that you feel welcomed in at all times, even if you're sweating through your pref-night dress. Find the home where the girls tell you how beautiful you look even when you have sweat off about three layers of foundation. Find the girls that will welcome you wholeheartedly, even if you bawl like a baby on Philanthropy day, or Preference night. When you do find that home, love your sisters with everything in you. It's okay if you don't end up in the same place on Greek Row as your first friends you made, because there is love all over the row. Although you may be confined to one house, friendships are made all over. Embrace your differences; strive to be diverse.
So, I leave you with one, and only one piece of advice:
Be unique. Be yourself.
As long as you follow that one rule, sorority recruitment will be a breeze. Good luck!
p.s. ZLAM!