What are you supposed to do when you're 18 or older and still feel like a child? Do you find that your anxiety rises when you hear the question, "What do you want to do after you graduate?"
In middle school and high school, while stressing over a (single) chapter test, or whether my mom would let me go to that party, or whether PE would be fun or lame that day, I also fantasized about the freedom of being in college because I was confined for eight hours a day. I looked at college kids and thought to myself that they were so old and independent and I just couldn't wait to be them. Then, I blinked my eyes, and here I am, 20 years old with graduation right around the corner, wishing my worries were lunch and recess.
The reality is, I don't know what I will be doing after I graduate and neither do most college students. We compare ourselves to our fellow classmates that have their sh*t together, when in actuality, they've just mastered "adulting." By the time you finish this article, you'll have the tools necessary to walk around, head held high, knowing that you, too, can sound like an adult.
Step 1: Dress the part
Okay, at least occasionally. You could be dressed like a hobo, but sitting next to your future boss. I understand 7:30 class is a little rough, and by no means do you need to come to class in heels and a dress or in a coat and tie. No worries––professors appreciate your "nice" t-shirts because the coffee-stained shirt implies you just woke up and forced caffeine quickly down your throat so that you could stay awake in class. And maybe ditch the sweat pants, too; that just screams laziness. Girls: perhaps just a little bit of makeup. Guys: possibly a comb through your hair, so it doesn't totally look like bed-head. Also, along with your nice t-shirts, owning business casual and business professional clothing could be useful for interviews (yeah, that's a thing in college). Desperate times call for desperate measures. Moral of the story: When you look your best, you feel your best and will perform your best. How hard can it be to at least pretend like you care?
Step 2: Be on time
I know your 11:30, morning class is impossible to make on time, but you can do it! Maybe try to go to sleep at 2:00 a.m. instead of 4:00 a.m. Being on time shows that you are reliable, and if you want extra adult points, then show up five minutes early!
Step 3: Have confidence
This is super important! If you want to master "adulting," you really can not be shy. People respect those who show that they have confidence and lose respect for those constantly second guessing themselves. Hold your head high and own each day!
Step 4: Learn eye contact
I know, it can be awkward staring into the eyes of a stranger like you're looking deep into their soul. However, it shows that you are engaged and interested. If you need extra practice, staring competitions work excellently.
Step 5: Get the job done
Even if you go out the night before, or have to stay up all night, take care of your responsibilities and meet your own expectations. Don't half-ass your way through life. Even if you are hungover and throwing up every hour, work hard and complete each task to the best of your ability. You know what you are capable of.
Step 6: Thank you notes
Ah, little things make the biggest differences. Having gratitude is one of the most important things in life, but expressing your gratitude is even more important. Writing a thank-you note takes less than five minutes, and it shows that you're truly appreciate the things done for you instead of just expecting them.
Step 7: Self-control
Yes, that means selfies. Do you see your professors Snapchatting all day, or taking frequent selfies? Sadly, it's very unprofessional to constantly be on your phone. Look where you're going when walking to class, and see the people you're passing, instead of looking down at your phone. Your peripheral vision isn't as reliable as your two eyes, and running into people is embarrassing. Practice putting your phone away when you're doing something so that you can be present and focused on the current task.
Step 8: Correct your default face
If you walk around with the chronic b*tch face, fix it ASAP. It's frightening. People will assume you hate life, hate people, and don't want to be approached whatsoever. However, if you are on the opposite side of the spectrum and possess the over-excited default face, that can be frightening as well. Aim for a happy medium default face that is just simply pleasant.
Adulthood may seem a little intimidating and hard, but a slightly more professional lifestyle is a small measure that can turn your future into a great success. With these 8 simple steps, you'll be able to sound like you have sh*t together and will be able to master the question "What do you plan to do whenever you graduate?" whether or not you have a legit answer to it or not. When in doubt, look them in the eyes with confidence, wearing a smile, dressed in your nice chill clothes and say "I have no idea what I'm doing after I graduate and I'm okay with that."