Formal Recruitment is a very nerve wracking time. Between deciding what to the first day to stand out, spending hours upon hours in heels, and finding the perfect dress for preference night, it's easy to get caught up in those aspects rather than the real reason that you're there; to find your Panhellenic home. As a current sister of Zeta Tau Alpha, I have seen how wonderful the Panhellenic community is here at George Mason and hope everyone has the same experience that I had while finding my home during recruitment. It can be stressful, but here are some tips to help anyone going through recruitment understand the process better and ease any nerves that come with recruitment weekend.
1. Make friends in your Rho Gamma Group.
Your Rho Gamma group will be the people that you experience your entire recruitment process with. They will be the first people you meet in recruitment and the ones who will be sitting right next to you while you open your bid card. They understand what you are going through because they are going through it too. When things get stressful, it is great to have a friend in your group that can be there for you all along the way and who knows, maybe some of those friends will end up becoming your sisters on Bid Day!
2. Don't wear heels all day.
I was one of many who made this mistake when I went through recruitment. Heels are great, but after an hour of standing and traveling to meet all of the chapters, you will definitely regret your decision. Instead of wearing heels all day, bring a pair of flip-flops or sandals that you can put on while walking to a chapter's room and just slip on the heels right before you go in.
3. Bring snacks and water.
The first and second days of recruitment are long! You are provided with lunch halfway through, but if you're anything like me, one meal over the span of hours just won't cut it. You might have some down time between rounds, so bring snacks and plenty of water. You will be doing a lot of talking and it's easy to get dehydrated.
4. Wear a statement necklace.
On the first day, you and all the others girls going through recruitment will be given the same shirt to wear. Find a way to make it your own! A statement necklace is a great way to accessorize while giving the girls from the chapters a way to specifically remember you.
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Whether it be to your Rho Gamma or to the girls you meet from different chapters. That is what we are here for! Your Rhos will know everything about the process. If you are confused about what to wear to Pref night or if a certain shade of lipstick would be too flashy, text your Rho Gamma! If you have any questions about a specific chapter, make sure you ask while you are visiting the room.
6. Keep it appropriate.
We go through recruitment for sisterhood--not for boys, parties, or to bash other sororities. Make sure that you keep your questions appropriate. This also goes with what you decide to wear. If you wouldn't wear that outfit in front of your grandma, don't wear it to recruitment! The chapters want to focus on you as a person, not how much skin you're showing.
7. Dress to impress.
While you are given a shirt to wear on the first day, the second and third are all up to you! For sisterhood night, the attire is business casual. Basically, this means something you would wear to a job interview. Preference night is the most "formal" night of all. Maybe wear a dress or skirt and heels. You want to put your best foot forward, but still be true to yourself!
8. Get plenty of sleep.
It's easy to let your nerves get the best of you while you're trying to get to sleep, but it is such a long, tiring weekend that you need to get sleep while you can. Take time to clear your mind at the end of the day. Maybe watch an episode of the Netflix show that you're current binge-watching or do something that is calming so you can clear your mind and go into the next day refreshed.
9. Go with your gut.
Only you know what is best for you. It's hard to not let other people's opinions sway your decision. Recruitment is all about you and no one can tell you where you feel most at home.
10. Be the truest version of yourself.
It's tempting to change your personality or views to match whatever current environment you are in. During recruitment, it is pivotal that you are truly yourself. You want to find a chapter with a matching personality and ideals to yourself. Do not hinder your personality in any way!
11. Trust the process.
At times, it may seem like nothing is going how you thought it would. I am here to tell you that it is okay. Formal recruitment is a mutual selection process, meaning that when you get matched with a chapter, it means that they wanted you too! Everything will work out in the way it is supposed to and know that whoever you run home to on bid day saw you as a sister of their organization and there is no better feeling than knowing that.
Recruitment is truly a life changing experience. You wil make some of the best friends you will ever have and find your home within the Panhellenic community. Relax, take a deep breath, and be ready to run home to your new sisters on Bid Day!