Getting back into the groove of things after a long break is often difficult. With these five things, it might make your transition back to campus a little bit easier.
1. A Laptop Bed Tray
After returning back from break, getting out of the bed seems like such a chore. With a laptop tray, I can lounge in bed all day while getting my work done in a comfy spot.
An Essential Oil Diffuser
Stressed out and need to recollect your thoughts? Lavender essential oil is great for relaxation to help you ease your mind. Feeling too tired to finish your paper? Add peppermint oil to your diffuser to give you just enough wake up to get the job done.
A Fun Yoga MatÂ
Yoga mat
Starting classes again is always stressful, slow things down with a yoga session to rejuvenate and relax your working mind. Having a fun mat to work on always is encouraging.
A Journal
Leather Journal
Feeling overwhelmed or tired of your roommates within the first week? Write down your thoughts and opinions so you can vent, but without hurting anyone's feelings.
A Water Bottle Infuser
Water Bottle Infuser
Everyone is mixed together again which means- germs! Enhance your water and your vitamin levels with a water bottle infuser.