Family Feud is a game show we have all watched after school, or while we are taking care of the oldies at the nursing home. Over the years, countless families have participated creating the most outrageous answers for Steve and Richards' questions. Here are ten of my favorite answers:
10. "Something a burglar wouldn't want to see while breaking into a house..."
NAKED GRANDMA!! This man had me dying of laughter.
9. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a recovering vegetarian." Excuse me? What type of answer is that? Let alone, who says that on T.V.?
8. "Give me a boys name that starts with the letter 'H'."
The answer.... José............................. I'm just going to leave this here being the English major I am....
7. "If your sex life had a remote control, what is the button you would hit the most?"
An elderly woman answers, "Change the channel." I don't know if it's because she was older or what but this to me was hilarious.
6. "A reason you might stay in on a beautiful day?"
The guy says, "Because it's raining outside.." WHAT IS THAT!! I'm laughing typing this.
5. "Name something you feel before you buy it.."
"Excited." I'm sorry sir, we didn't ask for an emotion, we asked for an object. Nice try.
4. "Name the most romantic sounding instrument.."
"Drums." Again, I'm sorry sir. I was in percussion throughout high school and that and the Tuba would be the worst sounds to hear when you're trying to get your Marvin Gaye on...
3. "During what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant?"
September.... I'd really like to know the pulse of these contestants. If they are really under that much pressure to not be able to answer properly... I want some of that.
2. "Real or fictional, name a famous Willy."
Nelson, Wonka, Little Willy Willy,... OR Willy The Pooh...
1. "Which of the seven dwarves describes your wife in bed.?"
Neither of them answer!!!! They are such smart men. ;)