Have you ever been in a moment where you are sincerely happy and you have to take a second to really take it in?
I have.
When I thought about the statement to surround yourself with love, I instantly thought about being in a moment where you are so genuinely happy you don’t want the moment to end. You just want to take a picture with your mind and save it forever.
I think if you are around people you love, and doing things you love, you will always be able to have those moments.
I am a firm believer in the saying “you are as good as the people you surround yourself with.” I never completely understood the saying until recently, and it never fully hit me until this past year. I believe that I was a person who was always around people who were definitely my friends and people who made me happy, but I still hadn’t found the people who saw me for me and I always had a genuinely great time with.
I was surrounded by people at the time because I was doing certain things in my life that were important — that is something that I will never regret, but I always had this feeling. The feeling was that I wasn’t expressing myself to my full potential. I have obviously had a great life and I have loved my life, but until recently I really have taken a step back for myself, and realized who I need to be surrounded with. It’s amazing when you realize who you do love and who gives you those moments of happiness.
I encourage everyone to do this. If you are feeling stuck in a certain situation, change it. Take a step back and decide if you are around people you love. Or maybe it’s what you're doing with your life.
Do you have people holding you back? Do you love the job that you are doing? If not, change it. Do you want to take more time for yourself? Do it. Life is too short to be wasted living in moments that are you aren’t truly being yourself.
Find that job you love. Find the hobbies that make you happy. Find your people.
It will truly make a huge difference in your life because once you make surrounding yourself in love, those things that were holding you back won’t get a second thought.
Life is amazing, so why not spend it surrounded in love?