I feel as though support from parents is underrated. Even in today's society, children are still terrified to come out to their parents, pursue their passion because of what they might think and stray into areas of life that their parents wouldn't have. It is rare for me to appreciate the support that I have to it's full extent, simply because it's something that has always been there. I can't imagine a life without supportive parents.
Growing up in today's society is scary. As a college kid trying to figure out who you are and where you belong in life, becoming overwhelmed seems like a complete understatement. With an endless amount of clubs, organizations and classes, finding your place seems like an almost impossible task. The only way I figured out who I am was because of my parents.
Life is about trying new things, and who can do that without support? If a parent isn't supportive, then they have nothing. With support comes honesty, loyalty and commitment to help your child be the best version of themselves. Even if that child turns out to be a different person than they had imagined, a parent should be there for them no matter what.
I have several friends who are terrified to tell their parents who they truly are, because they are too scared of what they'd say. This isn't a parent I want to be like.
Whether it was acting on a stage, studying journalism or volunteering in Thailand, my parents were there cheering me on and continue to be. Because of the support that enabled me to experience everything I have, it has molded me into the best person I can be, and for that, thank you will never seem enough.
I am now engulfed with better confidence and self esteem than I have ever had in my life. I am majoring in a passion that I am aware will not pay very much money, but something my parents know I have always enjoyed. I am traveling to a country on the other side of the world, but somewhere my parents know I will gain life changing memories from. It seems as though the support I receive from my parents throughout every single day goes unnoticed. Yet, looking back on the how I got to where I am, it is because of that support and guidance that helped me. Time and again, I am reminded of the fact that my parents love me for whoever I now and whoever I end up to be.