In light of recent events concerning opinionated claims of police brutality, the New York Police Department has been subject of intense scrutinization. From peaceful protests to dangerous riots, people living in and around the New York area have worked diligently to have their opinions heard and to make known the fact that they are against the NYPD. However, I stand up with honor, I stand up with heroes and I stand with the New York Police Department.
Law enforcement officers have one of the hardest jobs there is. They put their lives on the line every day to ensure that the lives of civilians are kept safe and with each new day they continue to protect and serve.
One of the biggest problems surrounding the controversy of police brutality is that so many people are simply uninformed. The media often portrays law enforcement officers, especially NYPD as evil; a force out for blood. That is not the case.
NYPD officers are people too. They have families, friends and loved ones. They are not out for blood. They go to work every day with one goal: to go home.
Unfortunately with the increasing amount of racism and bias towards authority figures, this is not always the case for innocent officers of the NYPD.
In November 2014, Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot execution style as they sat in their marked police vehicle in Brooklyn. Two senseless murders committed out of vengeance for the death of Eric Garner and the shooting of Michael Brown. Officer Ramos left behind a wife and two sons.
Following the homicides people quickly chose sides: black lives matter or blue lives matter. It was hard to find an even ground between the two radical movements. The state was divided.
What makes one person's life matter more than another's? The answer is: nothing. One person matters just as much as the next. Killing someone out of spite only allows for the vicious cycle of murder and contempt to keep going.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
The plain truth of the matter is that civilians lack respect for law enforcement officers. Sandra Bland blatantly disrespected the Texas State Trooper who pulled her over. Eric Garner resisted arrest. Their deaths were not justified, and it was a tragedy that they both were lost much too soon, however the media focused only on what would paint the officers in a negative light. The media failed to disclose to its audience that police officers have to protect themselves just as much as they protect everyone else.
There should be no reason that the wife of an NYPD officer has to worry every time he walks out the front door to go to work and that officer should not have to worry about whether or not he'll get to come home to his two beautiful boys that night. It isn't fair.
There is too much pressure on police officers to act a certain way. As soon as an officer does something that someone disagrees with it's all over the news causing unrest and facilitating an unjust and controversial movement.
The fact is that when you need help the NYPD will be there to respond and do anything and everything they can to ensure your safety. They sacrifice so much, risk their lives every day and they deserve respect and honor.
I support NYPD.