I started working for a Direct Sales company in June of 2016. Until then, I didn't realize how important it was to support other Direct Sales Companies. To be honest, I used to be easily annoyed with social media being spammed with advertising of businesses and being added to groups that I had no desire to be a part of. But once I joined a Direct Sales group, my perspective changed.
Here's the deal: when you support a Direct Sales company, you are supporting a family, a broke college student, a retiree, a stay at home mom or dad, and many other people. You could be supporting their dream of owning their own business, or you may be making a way for someone to attend college.
I found myself in a tight spot a few months ago because I was unable to walk after foot surgery, and therefore, I was very limited to the tasks I could perform in a job. I decided to join a Direct Sales company because I could work from home and not have to worry about being required to do anything I couldn't do. The money I made from selling my products was the only income I was receiving at the time. So when my customers purchased from me, they were helping me pay bills, buy necessities, and a few extra things.
When I joined the world of Direct Sales, I realized just how many people were in my same position of needing to work, but maybe couldn't work due to medical reasons, or couldn't work certain hours due to childcare. These consultants are trying their best to provide for their family.
A big pro about shopping Direct Sales is knowing exactly where your money is going. These are your friends and family. You know if they're trustworthy, you know their story, and they'll be able to really tell you which of the products would work best for you because they know you! It's not just about the sales, it's about relationships.
Another great reason to shop Direct Sales is, you never have to leave your house! Um, yes, please! You can do all the shopping sitting on your couch. And with all the great deals year-round, you can get Christmas and birthday shopping done early! Also, a lot of Direct Sales companies allow their customers to host a party for a chance to earn free products! How awesome is that?!
So, I want to encourage you, the next time you see another Direct Sales ad on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, try to refrain from rolling your eyes or speaking negatively about that person. Instead, why don't you ask them a question about their products? Or browse their website. You never know what you might find or what it could lead to!