When heading off to college, it's very overwhelming to decide what you actually need. Some stuff is necessary and some stuff is just what you bring because of those irrational "what ifs" you come up with. However, the items making this list do fall under necessary, even if at first glance you're not totally convinced. As a semi-college pro (ha, yeah right), I believe you shouldn't look over these selected (and highly random) items.
1. Bulk package of favorite snack
Get to Costco and get yourself a good weeks worth of your favorite snack. I was hesitant to do this but after showing up to college with a 2 pound bag of Peanut M&Ms, I knew I made the right call. Just get your pick of snacks and go crazy. Its comforting and at least you start off with some food. Plus, it's a great conversation starter. Anyone who walks into your room will ask why you have a giant bag of treats.
2. Sweaters
At first, my parents told me "its still summer, you won't need sweaters until November." HA. MISTAKEN. Your parents might try to pull this fast one on you too but I am telling you, if you're going somewhere that has regular seasons, autumn is going to creep up on you. You're going to have to wear your shorts and t-shirts in the middle of October when it's hitting 40 degrees.
3. More posters
One thing that was such an afterthought was decorating my actual dorm. Not sure how it slipped everyone's mind but it did and I regret it! Therefore, I believe you need to bring so many decorations so you have options. You need that extra poster, you need one more photo of your favorite singer. Not only will it look cool and show your personality, but it'll be such a comfort thing.
4. That extra pair of shoes
There is nothing worse than setting up a beautiful outfit for your first day of classes and only having a pair of sneakers or flip flops to choose from for your footwear. Trust me, you are going to need that pair of fancy boots or sleek black flats. You never know when you'll need it to pull your whole look together.
5. Books
I know there's a lot of people saying you don't need to bring leisure reading books since you'll have no time but that's completely wrong. In the beginning of the year, I had so much time between classes that I literally had nothing else to do but read. So, go ahead, bring that extra book. It's a good crutch when things get rough.
6. Fun school supplies
Everything is better when your folders and notebooks have fun patterns on them. Put out a little extra cash and avoid the folders that'll rip within a week of using them. Get the one with the dogs wearing glasses or the rose gold colored one. Heck, even splurge for some washi tape or some colored gel pens. Lectures are a lot better when all your notes are in different colors. TRUST ME.
7. New clothes
This is like any other "back to school" time. If you want to show up to college rocking a new style, do it! Set a new first impression. Basically everyone at your college has no idea who you are so go for it. Reinvent yourself. Actually plan your outfits but still be comfortable. It is still college -- no one cares what you look like at 9 AM, it's all about how YOU FEEL.