We've all been asked the question "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" The typical answers include being able to fly, read minds, or be invisible. These basic abilities would be great to have, however, there are so many other better abilities that people never choose. Imagine the thing you hate doing most, whether it's getting ready, going to the gym, studying, etc. Now imagine being able to have the benefits of that thing without doing actually doing it. That's the superpower you should choose to have. I live a pretty great life, but if I had it my way, I would have at least one of these five superpowers.
1. The ability to eat all you want without gaining any weight
For many, weight is a struggle. We like food and don't like spending hours at the gym to work that it off. Imagine a world in which you could eat all you want and still have that amazing bikini body. It would save so much time and would let food become something that's not stressful, but enjoyable. That's a world I want to live in.
2. The ability to go anywhere you want automatically
Also called teleportation, this superpower can be a common one. However, it is one of the best superpowers out there. Think of how much time we spend driving cars, sitting in traffic, or flying in planes. With this superpower, we would be free to use this time to do other, more important things. I firmly believe that if teleportation existed, cancer would be cured by now. We would also be able to pop over to another country for a day and that's just awesome.
3. The ability to get anything you want for free
I realize that material things don't bring happiness, and I don't think I would want every expensive thing in the world. However, I do think I'd want this superpower. Imagine being able to try new clothes or products that you're curious about without having to pay for them. You could always have an updated wardrobe with today's trends and you could have unlimited access to all the supplies you need to follow your passion.
4. The ability to change your mood automatically
This isn't a superpower I necessarily want. However, it's a superpower I and a lot of other people need. I am an emotional person. Good and bad, I take things people say to heart and I think about them for way too long. This superpower would allow me and others like me to be able to snap out of sadness or anger in an instant and go straight back to being happy. It would make this world a much easier place to live in.
5. The ability to snap your fingers and be ready for the day
I do like picking out my outfits and doing my hair and makeup, but I don't like how long it takes me to get ready. I love to sleep, so the thought of being able to sleep in until the last possible second and still be able to look completely put together for the day is an amazing one. I also like to think I would look better in this scenario since my stylist is, you know, magic.
These superpowers would make life so much easier. Too bad they don't exist. Even though we want to, there's no way to avoid going to the gym, feeling emotions, and getting ready. Looks like we'll have to deal with our first world problems ourselves for now.