"Supernatural" is an action-packed, dramatic, horrific, adventurous television show created by Eric Kripke and premiers on the CW Channel. It's first broadcast premiered on The CW on September 13th, 2005. The show was renewed for their 12th season and will air on Thursday, October 13th, 2016. The show involves two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester played by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles; who hunt demons, ghosts, monsters and other supernatural things that roam the world. My friend introduced me to this show in November 2015 and begged me to watch it and I was like "Fine. I will" and the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of "Supernatural" is scary or haunted things, So I was curious about how this was going to go, even though I don't get scared as easy; unless I'm seeing it for the first time. I watch television, certain movies, and shows. I'm not really the one to binge watch TV shows or atleast get super attached to one, but that suddenly changed.
I finally watched the pilot, and it caught my eye from there. The story line and everything else in between. I asked myself should I keep watching this and ended up watching it all the way through. After a while, I wasn't so focused on the scary things that happened in the show. I was more focused on the suspense, the sacrifices, the real life feelings that the boys had. SPN (Supernatural for short) made me realize a lot of things that I never realized before. Sometimes Sam and Dean would get so mad at each other, do things the other may not like, separate and take a break from each other, take a break from hunting, even though something will lead them back to it, lose trust in each other, but no matter what, they will do anything for each other and sacrifice their lives, not only because they are family, but because they love each other too much to the let each other slip away.
What I learned from this show is, whether its your family, or a friend, no matter how messed up things may be, love them endlessly, and when you have a hobby or job in your life that you love, don't give up on it, because something will always remind you of it or bring you back to that hobby or job, in this case for Sam and Dean was hunting. Their motto is "Saving People. Hunting Things. The Family Business". Defeating demons and other monsters for Sam and Dean is considered saving the world, and its really an amazing thing, because they don't want to see people hurting or in danger and they want to change the world even if it means putting people out of their misery if they've become something they didn't want to; even themselves, and they've told each other so many times that you can't save everyone. In my life, sometimes I'm Sam and sometimes I'm Dean. People have their own definition of Sam and Dean and who they are as people, but for me, Sam Winchester is the studious one, who loves to get to the bottom of things instantly, the protective younger brother, very skeptical, courageous, heroic, loves researching on how things can be solved no matter how long it takes him and sometimes he can break so easily from being emotionally tired and distressed. But he strives to be the hero even in the worst times, as well as Dean.
Dean Winchester is more of the risk taker, the hot head, the blunt, heroic, courageous, protective older brother. It takes a lot for Dean to break down, and sometimes things happen that aren't under his control, same thing with Sam. He's the go getter when he sees good looking women; Sam does as well on some occasions. He tends to sometimes drink his pain away and So does Sam, but Dean takes it a step further. The characteristics of these two guys and other characters such as Bobby Singer, an old long time friend of the Winchester Family, their angel friend from heaven named Castiel and other friends, enemies and associates in their lives actually have real life traits and feelings and that's why I can relate so much. SPN is more than hunting the supernatural things of the world, even though seeing all shooting and action is awesome, it's a lot of real life things and situations involving humor, feelings, emotions, family, religion, and so on; and that's why this show is so attracting to me and many others.
After a month or two of watching the show, I started to get more into the fandom, or the SPN Family as I should say, and connecting with other people, following other fans on social media and talking to more people who shared the same interest. I soon changed my Twitter name to something SPN related and I started to get so engrossed in the show, the actors, their life changing campaigns, home life and getting to learn more about them and who they are off screen. My friend tweeted and said "Like" this tweet if you want to be in a SPN group chat", and from that night on, I have met some really amazing people who love the show just as much as me. They are loving, caring, understanding and such wonderful people and I'm glad to know them. There's 3 people in the chat that I've known for a long time, the others; I recently met this year. Outside of the chat, I connected with other people around Twitter and Facebook and I love them dearly. They are really great people and this family is so supportive, strong, and are willing to do anything to make the cast and each other proud.
I'm also in a few SPN Facebook groups; "Supernatural Fans", "Salute To Supernatural", "Always Keep Fighting T-Shirt Exchange", "The Moose-Kateers Fan Club" (Why Moose? Watch the show to find out ;) ) and "Supernatural We Stand With You". These are fun-filled groups that help you connect with other fans across the world and I completely adore each group. Each group also has their own set of rules; Do's and Do Not's, what group doesn't have rules right? "Salute To Supernatural" is a group to talk about the Official Supernatural Conventions, created and hosted by Creation Entertainment; to post photos, videos, and ask questions pertaining to the conventions. The "Always Keep Fighting T-Shirt Exchange" is a group that is dedicated to matching up donors with people who can't afford or do not have any merchandise from the SPN Campaigns that are held by various members of the cast. "Supernatural Fans" is an international group to laugh, talk, post photos, videos, anything pertaining to 'Supernatural'. "The Moose-Kateers Fan Club" is a group created for fans of Jared Padalecki; again, wonder why we call Jared/Sam Moose? Watch the show to find out! "Supernatural We Stand With You" is more of a support group. Where everyone can support each other and the 'Supernatural' cast through difficult times, as well prevent bullying and hate in the SPN Family and learn how to love and respect each other. The group creator, Natalia, along with her admins/co-leaders Mel, Sarah, Scotty, Chrissy, David and Virginia, have also created wristbands and T-Shirts that say "We Stand With You, We Are One" meaning, we are one big family that supports each other, we stand with the cast through all the hate, and we love and support them endlessly. This group has gotten a lot of positive feedback from others as well as fellow 'Supernatural' cast members, such as, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Genevieve Padalecki, Ruth Connell, Emily Swallow, Rob Benedict and many other cast members; who have all received black or red wristbands that say "We Stand With You-We Are One". It warms my heart to see fans and the cast come together as one to raise money for a cause or prevent hatred and try to bring more light into the world and our family.
Fans like me also participate in things that some of that cast members hold such as Misha Collins' international scavenger hunt called "GISHWHES" (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt The World Has Ever Seen) that takes place every year; life changing campaigns including Jared Padalecki's "Always Keep Fighting" Campaign, to raise awareness for people battling with depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction and mental illness. Jared has a passion for people who are battling these things after he lost a great friend on New Years Eve who was battling depression and ended up taking his own life. We have Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins' "You Are Not Alone Campaign" with a similar goal, but to help people understand that, whatever they are facing, they are not alone in their battles. Random Acts (Founded by Misha Collins) partnered with IMAlive and TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) to create a fan-based platform called "The SPNFamily Crisis Support Network" where fans are trained to help other fans that are battling through depression, anxiety, mental illness, self-harm, and addiction, giving them access to support lifelines and to get them to find help in their local communities as well if they need further assistance.
We also have Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster's "Wayward AF" Campaign. "Wayward Daughters" is considered a "Supernatural Spin Off" as Kim and Briana call it, and focuses on the female characters and their perspectives. This campaign also supported Random Acts' "Dreams 2 Acts" Nicaragua project and their goal was to build a Human Development Center facility in the free High School in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua. Campaigns and events like these make me proud to be apart of this family.
Other members of the cast have their own campaigns and causes to help change the world one day at a time, and all the past and current campaigns have succeeded. 'Supernatural' is more than just a TV show when you look at all the outstanding things surrounding it and you get to experience these things with thousands of other people. I encourage others to hop on the ride and get involved and join the SPN Family. If you aren't into television that much, or just simply can't get into shows like that, no worries. But if you are the opposite, I encourage you to watch the show, it's so good and I personally think you will love it. Go to the conventions or one near you (save up way ahead of time if you plan to) , participate and contribute in campaigns and causes as much as you can, whether it be buying the campaign or cause's gear, telling others to always keep fighting, letting others know that they are not alone, or doing little random acts of kindness. No matter how small or large the contributions are, your input will make a difference.
I want to thank the SPN Family for being the most supportive, strong, and determined fan base I've ever been in. I want to thank all of my friends I've made while watching the show; thank you for always being there for me even when I'm right or wrong and thank you for accepting me as I am. Most importantly, thank you to the cast and crew of 'Supernatural' for creating such a wonderful thing, working long days and nights and doing such amazing acting. Thank you for being genuine, life-changing, extraordinary, and stunning people on and off screen.
Read more about the "Always Keep Fighting" Campaign here: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Always_Keep_Fighting
Read more about the "You Are Not Alone" Campaign and the "SPNFamily Crisis Support Network" here: https://www.creationstands.com/products/jensen-misha-you-are-not-alone-campaign
More information on the "SPNFamily Crisis Support Network": http://www.randomacts.org/programs/crisis-support-...
Read more about "Wayward AF" Campaign here: https://www.creationstands.com/products/kim-rhodes-briana-buckmaster-wayward-af-campaign
Also check out this 'Supernatural' Photo Gallery! - http://www.cwtv.com/shows/supernatural/photos/?season=1