In recent years, the comic book adapted movies have taken theaters by storm– both Marvel and DC. With plot lines colliding and origin stories being unfolded, there has never been a better time to tune into the fantastical superheroes who we have grown up hearing about. Here are the movies we're looking forward to this year.
Release date: February 12th
Why we're looking forward to it: Firstly, the marketing team for this movie is the most genius we've seen in a while. Releasing the movie Valentine's day weekend is a brilliant move and we can't get enough of all the jokes that have been making their way around social media and even billboards. And of course, in terms of the plot we hope to be satisfied with learning about Wade Wilson's true story especially after being teased about it with a glimpse of Ryan Reynolds all those years ago in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Release date: March 25th
Why we're looking forward to it: We're interested in seeing the new Batman, although some of us may be convinced that no one can fill Christian Bale's footsteps. Regardless, this is the much awaited sequel to Man of Steel and is bound to bring interesting additions to the DC cinema world by giving us glimpses at Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and what we're hoping will be a cameo of Ezra Miller as The Flash.
Captain America: Civil War
Release date: May 6th
Why we're looking forward to it: Some of us are excited to see Black Panther, some of us just really want the story behind Cap's and Stark's feud that have been so parodic in memes. There's also the matter of reworking Spider Man's story with Tom Holland's debut in the Marvel universe. Even though it's a sequel to Captain America: Winter Soldier, with just a few of the Avengers ensemble missing this might just be one of the biggest productions the Marvel cinematic universe has brought us.
X-Men: Apocalypse
Release date: May 27th
Why we're looking forward to it: If you've seen X-Men: Days of Future Past you know that everything you've come to discover about the mutants is forever changed. This is more of a sequel to X-Men: First Class as we discover more about the complex history of Professor X and Magneto. And of course the namesake, Apocalypse, will bring plenty of action with his four horseman. Lastly, we can definitely expect introductions to more mutants from this generation and maybe even one more beautifully subtle joke about Magneto and Quiksilver's father-son relationship.
Suicide Squad
Release date: August 5th
Why we're looking forward to it: This is where dysfunctional meets more dysfunctional– and we couldn't be more excited. Everyone loves a good anti-hero and seeing as this an ensemble of just that we can be guaranteed to get a good movie out of it. Not to mention the unveiling of the Jared Leto as the new Joker generated some serious buzz, we're all the more curious to see it played out although the trailer gives us a good indication that he's at least going to be the minimum amount perfectly crazy.
Doctor Strange
Why we're looking forward to it: Just off the bat it seems like Benedict Cumberbatch was made for this role. Intellectual. Narcissist. And something that sets him apart from everything else. The movie has started its initial buzz with the release of the first images of Cumberbatch as the character, but we're sure to unravel more and can probably expect the trailer while in the theater to watch one of the earlier movies.