18 Superheroes As Heroically Adorable Dog Breeds
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18 Superheroes As Heroically Adorable Dog Breeds

Would a Corgi make a good Caped Crusader? How about a Spaniel as the Scarlett Speedster? You're about to find out.

18 Superheroes As Heroically Adorable Dog Breeds

Whether Marvel or Dc, Superheroes have been a hot trend within the last couple of years, with hot guys and cool heroics taking us by storm. But one craze that will never go out of style are puppies. Pup, pooch, doggos, or puppers are creatures that have captured our hearts, no matter what we choose to call them. To make the best of both worlds, my friend Katie and I compiled a list of superheroes as beloved canines.

1. Captain America: Golden Retriever

Is there any doubt that golden boy Captain America would be anything less than America’s traditional dog? Intelligent, well-mannered, obedient are perfect attributes for not only the super soldier but also a Golden Retriever. They are also both kind to strangers, and loyal to the ones they love. This classic companion and Captain America would definitely need to be around people, whether that means the Avengers or people that love to admire doggies, who knows? Either way, there’s no question that these two are one in the same.

2. Superman: Dalmatian

We were all kids once, meaning we know of the classic animated show: “Krypto the Superdog” featuring Superman’s pet being placed under the care of a normal kid while Supes saves the world and since dogs are often like the owners, we think we’d he is the kind of dog that Superman would be. But that’s not the case. Not only is Krypto’s breed never stated, but the perfect embodiment of Superman in dog form would be the Dalmatian. In addition, their history is unknown like a certain alien we know. Known as dogs of war and handy guard dogs to the fire-brigade, this breed is active, outgoing, and honest, matching our honorable Clark Kent.

3. Iron Man: Jack Russell Terrier

What do a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and a Jack Russell Terrier have in common? They’re both stubborn, intelligent, fearless, athletic, and vocal creatures. Where Tony stark would bathe those around him in sarcasm, the pup would most likely just bark. As a cute little dog, Tony would continue to attract all the women, though they’d just be looking to pet him.

4. Batman: Great Dane

While Batman did have a dog-sidekick for a while with Ace the Bat-Hound, a German Shepherd, Batman himself would make for a stellar Great Dane. Like a Great Dane, Batman is patient, active, and relatively quiet. Great Danes are stoic dogs, just like the superhero. With black fur, the nickname “Dark Knight” is still very fitting for this dog. Plus, when his ears straight up, it looks just like he’s wearing Batman’s signature mask.

5. Green Lantern: Bullmastiff

While the Green Lantern mantle has been taken by multiple heroes, my focus would be on my personal favorite, John Stewart. The perfect breed for this quiet but resilient hero would be the Bullmastiff. Both of them are reserved and calm, but get the job done with their courageous , protective, and powerful natures. I know that this breed is mostly catered to John, but with devoted and reliable instincts, a Bullmastiff might make a good Hal Jordan.

6. Hulk: St. Bernard

No dog is violent by nature, so to match a pup up with the Hulk due to his rage wouldn’t be very fitting. Instead, we’ve picked a St. Bernard for Hulk’s dog personality. These large (dare I say hulking?) dogs are considered working/utility and guarding dogs by most Kennel Clubs, rightly reflecting Bruce Banner’s alter ego. While friendly and patient might not match the description of the Hulk, he is most definitely outgoing, and would make a fantastic and hardworking St. Bernard.

7. Wonder Woman: Miniature Pinscher

“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” Shakespeare couldn’t be more right when it comes to this pup! As Wonder Woman is underestimated as a female, Min Pins are underestimated as little dogs. Wonder Woman is proud, fearless, and athletic, just like her K-9 counterpart. Assertive, outgoing, and independent; Min Pins and Wonder Woman are just the same.

8. Thor: Brittany

You may think that Thor, God of Thunder, would be a big and fierce dog, but you’d only be half right. Fierce, yet cute with a specialty in hunting (like combat) makes the perfect breed for this Asgardian, a Brittany. Agile, quick, adaptable and known for being happy are the flawless characteristics of The Mighty Thor. Hammer or not, this dog breed is definitely worthy.

9. Aquaman: Water Spaniel

Aquaman may be the ruler of Atlantis and its aquatic creatures but he’s always been a superhero that most make fun of, therefore the best breed for this Dweller in the Depth would be the Irish Water Spaniel. Both of these boys are intelligent, alert, and inquisitive but aren’t taken seriously because of their clownish nature/ability.

10. Spider-Man: Beagle

Merry, friendly, and curious - are we talking about the dog breed or the superhero? Well, Peter Parker is known as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but the answer is both! Beagles are active and energetic dogs, just like the teenage boy-turned-superhero. Beagles follow their noses, which can often lead them to trouble. Spider-Man follows his spidey senses, which leads him to trouble as well. A Beagle would make a stellar Spider-Man, paws down.

11. Flash: Greyhound

Barry Allen, a forensic scientist before his Flash days, is all about doing the right thing. Just like the Greyhound, he is intelligent, quiet, and athletic. Not to mention fast! While Greyhounds max out at 43 mph, the Flash runs at a pace faster than light. Both the Flash and Greyhounds and calm creatures and loyal to the ones they care about.They make a perfect match!

12. Black Panther: African Wild Dog

Black Panther, or King T’Challa, is a born leader for the people of Wakanda, meaning that the perfect dog for him wouldn’t be some domesticated dog but a wild beast, maker of his own rules: the African Wild Dog. These two have much more than geographic in common however, both are agile hunters and well coordinated. African wild dogs strive in packs, and King is nothing without his subjects. In addition, they both have natural enemies, whether it be humans threat to the dog’s survival or someone’s try at T’Challa’s crown

13. Cyborg: Prosthetic Pug

Half Robotic and half human, Cyborg wouldn’t be just any pup but one that has lost part of himself to an accident like the man in question. This means that the perfect pup for him would be one with a prosthetic (some form of metal help). But not any dog would work, it has to be a pug. Both Charming and sociable yet stubborn and clever, these two are a match made in heaven despite difference appearance (because hey, looks can be deceiving).

14. Mr. Fantastic: Dachshund

He’s strong! He’s stretchy! He can elongate his torso in a way similar to a wiener dog! But that’s not the only similarity between this superhero and this pup. Both the Dachshund and Mr. Fantastic are protective of the people they know, and are playful but can be quite stubborn. The dogs are clever and courageous, not unlike their scientific genius human counterpart. Also, it’s fun to watch both of them run.

15. Green Arrow: Siberian Husky

Oliver Queen has been described as passionate, intense, and adventurous. The same can be said for the Siberian Husky. Their eyes alone are severe enough to keep you from staring too long, but these dogs are also friendly, dignified and alert. Both of these creatures are loving and fond of their families and friends. Is there a better pairing for the Emerald Archer?

16. Wolverine: Pitbull

We have one word for both this harsh hero and poor pupper: Misunderstood. For Wolverine, we’ve chosen the American Pitbull Terrier as his pup-personality. Contrary to popular belief, the pitbull is naturally playful and friendly. Logan is thought to be a violent and angry superhero, but he does have a softer caring side that not all are privileged to see. Don’t let their rough reputations fool you, though. Both Wolverine and the Pitbull are worth some love.

17. The Atom: Teacup Maltese

Tiny things are often underestimated but most pack more under the size, and the Atom is no exception. Shifting to small sizes and with a gentle nature, the perfect dog counterpart for this guy would be a Teacup Maltese. Both Ray Palmer and the ball of fluff are affectionate, kind, but independent. In addition, both are to note to have moments of fearlessness, despite their adorable appearance.

18. Black Widow: Black Cat

Okay, so I know this list was stating dog counterparts to superheroes but we all know that Black Widow would be a cat and to give her a dog alter ego would mean disrespecting her. Dark and mysterious, as well as independent, sly, quiet, both black cats and Black Widow could hurt you when they need to because they never lost their wild cat (or spy) survival instincts.

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