Forget Millennials, We're The Generation Of Marvel Vs. D.C. | The Odyssey Online
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Forget Millennials, We're The Generation Of Marvel Vs. D.C.

The superhero generation.

Forget Millennials, We're The Generation Of Marvel Vs. D.C.

"Marvel or DC?" "Did you hear about they're making a movie for ___?" "But have you read the comics?" "I don't like that they did ___ because it clashes with the original story." "Those graphics though..."

Chances are, in this day and age, you've had this conversation with someone (most likely a peer) about a superhero movie that just came out or is coming out soon. Why are we so fascinated with these super-human characters? These mutants, genetically superior beings made up by the minds of comic book artists and brought to life with comics and later movies?

My theory is that this generation, the Millennials, the largest generation since the Baby Boomers) - is obsessed with idols. Throughout history, people have looked up to gods, rulers, celebrities, you name it. However, this generation seems to be hung up on characters that don't exist, but we sure wish they did.

In social media and day-to-day life, it's the norm for Millennials to be generalized as lazy, sensitive, and even stupid. Our technology is turning our minds to mush, we're in crippling debt from getting a college degree that doesn't even guarantee a job, and of course the idea of 'hookup culture' - we're so casual about everything, we don't even grasp the idea of a real romantic relationship. Yup, we pretty much suck.

We get to this point in life (late teens, early 20's) where all the pressures of "adulting" are crushing us in every aspect of our lives. Everywhere we turn, it's the question of success - if we're functioning correctly in society while we're still learning, making it impossible to live up to the impossible standards that generations before us have set. We feel that politics is out of our hands, that we have no say in our futures because of the world that's already been set up for us. We know the world needs fixing but we just don't know how...

Then suddenly, a nostalgic symbol of our much simpler youth appears in a pop culture - professional movies dedicated to heroes we loved growing up, bringing us back to a childhood that seemed to go by so quickly with the intense advances of technology in a short amount of time. Chiming in to the obsession with being "90's kids", superhero movies prove as an escape to our mental stress of becoming adults, even for just two hours.

That's one theory.

Another is that we obsess over these movies because we are obsessed with being saved. As with ever generation, the vicious cycle of being thrown into the world basically clueless and being expected to make something of yourself has continued to our generation. However, this world isn't the same as those that have come before us - it used to be that you could work your way through college, which would line up a lifelong career for you, no problem, with basically no debt. If that didn't work for you, though, you could work a trade and make a great living that way, as well. If neither of those worked for you, though, the military was an honorable life path with amazing benefits.

While most of these still hold true, college has changed drastically since then, being totally overpriced and throwing students into life-changing debt while they can't even get a job with the degree it cost them. As for trade careers, while they are solid and can support someone, they don't always lead to success and benefits, and can leave someone with no retirement plan and a body that's worn out and can't work. The military is also still, and always will be, a very honorable path, however our men and women and drastically underpaid and frankly, underappreciated.

So maybe it's our realization and fear of being dragged into an abyss and making a mistake we're not aware of in this critical point of our lives that could affect us for years to come. Perhaps we just crave a helping hand, someone to guide us and tell us that we're doing something right.

Superheroes' jobs are saving people. They symbolize this untouchable force and were created to be looked up to, which is just what we do. We aspire to be as confident and successful as them, and we relate to their stories because many of them came from dark pasts. They symbolize hope and the possibility of being anything you want to be.

While this is all theory, I personally love superheroes. It's a perfect, clean outlet for a world so ridden with disease and misery at times. To have a common ground as simple as a character in a comic book is unique and heartwarming. So, Millennials, don't fret - we ARE doing something right with this obsession!

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