4. TONS of Cosplay Competitions | The Odyssey Online
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10 Events That Will Make You Nerd Out At Raleigh’s Supercon 2019

Get yer capes on, nerds. It's gonna be a wild ride!

10 Events That Will Make You Nerd Out At Raleigh’s Supercon 2019

All the info for Raleigh Supercon has been dropped for this year, and the lineup looks AMAZING! If you don't know, Supercon is a chain of conventions that cater to all things nerd, and the Raleigh stop happens from July 25 - 28, 2019. It's a good thing that it lasts 3 days, too, with all the stuff going on!

1. The list of celebrities is INSANE!


Supercon's really bringing the heat this year with their celebrity line-up. Including, but not limited to: Christy Carlson-Romero (Kim Possible, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Even Stevens), Felicia Day (Supernatural, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Guild), Chris Sarandon (The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Princess Bride), Mike Colter (Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, The Defenders) and literally TONS more!

They include voice actors, animators, artists, comedians, and professional cosplayers!

2. There are gaming events, including MLG players, console games, and more!


If your nerdiness is more video games instead of superheroes, don't fear! There are gaming events for you to take part in! They range from free play on pc or console, co-op tournaments, and even interactions with major league gamers.

3. Photo-Ops with Stanley, Creed, Oscar and Meredith from "The Office"


Are you, like most of the world, a fan of The Office? Supercon's got you covered. Leslie Baker, Creed Bratton, Kate Flannery and Oscar Nunez (aka Stanley, Creed, Meredith, and Oscar, respectively) are all available for photo-ops!

4. TONS of Cosplay Competitions


Supercon's list of cosplay events is epic, including fashion shows to contests with $1000 cash prizes and runway contests. Whether you're someone who cosplays, or someone who just likes seeing others rep your favorite characters, there's a cosplay event for you.

5. There's a fantasy wrestling match!?


Yep, you read that right: fantasy. wrestling. FSCW (Fantasy Super Cosplay Wrestling) is an event where you can watch combos like Spider-Gwen and Skeletor or Bane and Starlord wrestle it out.

6. Tim Freakin' Curry will be there!


If you don't know Tim Curry...you're living under a rock. His list of work is seemingly endless, but he's most widely known as playing Dr. Frank N Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Pennywise in IT (1990).

He's actually so popular that Supercon has an entire sub-section on their website just for Tim Curry tickets.

8. Snag some cool art of your favorite characters.


Just like any classic convention, Supercon has an Artist's Alley! One of my personal favorite things to do at conventions is check out the vendors, so that's where I'd be spending most of my time, honestly.

If you're an artist in the Raleigh area, you can sign up to be a vendor here.

9. Disney fans...there's a ton of stuff for you here.


Not only will there surely be Disney cosplayers, but a ton of voice actors from your favorite animated movies and shows will be at Supercon! Including the voice of Ariel and Eric from The Little Mermaid, Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Ron from Kim Possible, and even the voice of Donald Duck himself! There's even a comedy event called Drunk on Disney!

10. There are comedy events!


If you're out of nerdiness to partake in and want some laughter, Supercon has 4 different comedy specials to get your giggles going!

It's pretty clear that no matter where your interests lie, Supercon has something for you to do. These 10 events are only the half of it, too. Be sure to check out their website to find out more about how to get tickets!

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