There are a lot of bands in the world, many of which most people haven't heard of. Some of them have quite ridiculous names, and they are fantastically random and hilarious. Some of these could be joke bands, but none-the-less the names are spectacular. Here are a few that stood out to me:
An Emotional Fish
This is mysterious as we don't know what the fish is emotional about. This could have stemmed from the non-official parody of "Finding Nemo": "Finding Emo"...
Adult Children of Heterosexuals
I mean, yeah I suppose that could be accurate to an extent.
Afghanistan Banana Stand
This one just rolls of the tongue just right. That internal rhyme scheme though. And anywhere is a good place for a banana stand.
Arthur Loves Plastic
But what kind of plastic? Plastic what? People, utensils, a state of mind? This just opens up the floor for all kinds of meanings to be attached to this band name when probably no meaning was intended!
Attila The Stockbroker
This one is so ironic and I love it. Just imagine that vicious hun doing that monotonous job of a stockbroker. Quite the silly picture isn't it?
It's not inappropriate if it's a pun, right? The only thing is, for it to make sense in the joke, bass would need to be pronounced as the type of fish, not the type of instrument. So maybe there are holes in the fish, possibly from fishing. This just got deep... Just like the ocean.
Bearded Clams
This is an image I definitely have never thought of. Clams with beards, who would've thought? But I suppose it does make a bit of sense -- where's a clam supposed to buy a razor and shaving cream?
Brady Bunch Lawnmower Massacre
My my, sounds like a death metal band. A gory one at that.
Cap'n Crunch and the Cereal Killers
Bonus points for puns and alliteration. They probably play some pirate metal, which is an actual music genre. If you haven't heard of it, click here.
Disgruntled Postal Workers
This one just feels so real and possibly accurate.
Furious George
I sense another metal band.
Gee That's A Large Beetle I Wonder If It's Poisonous
Well it's certainly a safe assumption!
Hitler Stole My Potato
Well he's done worse things...
Need I say more?
I Set My Friends on Fire
Oh no, don't do that! Pyromaniacs these days.
There are endless possibilities of strange, absurd and ironic band names. Put words together that sound good or ridiculous and there you go! Like Otters Wearing Felt Pirate Hats. I just made that one up on the spot. Thinking up band names is quite fun, and can really get the creative juices flowing through your brain spaces. This is a great creative writing exercise, or just a fun thing to do if you just want to be a little creative. What's the most ridiculous one you can think of?