What is the definition of feminism? Well a better question we should be asking is why are we still talking about the separation of men and women? We are just pushing and encouraging the further separation and divide. We need to talk about the unity of men and women. The more we talk about women's rights and feminism the more we create a clear cut line between the two, and people see the differences.
I would say I am a feminist fighting for women's rights. Women should be treated in the same respect as men. Women should be paid the same as men with the same job. Women deserve, at the least, the deciency to be talked to in the same regard as men.
Yes, we have grown up in a world of majority households where men go to work and women stay home. Women have children and take care of the household which is totally fine! So many women out there want nothing more than to have their sole job to be a mother who takes care of the cooking and cleaning. Those mothers are amazing and make every woman proud. But what if we want to go to work? What if we want to be an engineer or a doctor or a CEO? What if we want to work on cars or go to a construction site and build a school? Is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely not.
This is when we need some men to change their attitude of women in the workforce. Yes, it is not the norm too see a woman getting her hands dirty changing a car's oil, but that is totally fine. If you are strong enough to lift tires up and heavy machinery into a car or whatever, you go for it! I think that is the biggest thing about this idea. Men do not think women can do as good of a job. In some ways, I agree (all my gals, do not have a hissy. Let me explain). Honestly, I would not want to fix cars and lift heavy tires. I am not strong enough by any means. I am not saying there are not women out there who are strong enough. I am just saying, I would think a majority of women cannot carry heavy material from one part of a construction site to the other. In that sense, yes men can do that better. This leads to my next point.
Equal pay. If a woman does not perform the same job as well as a man, she does not deserve the same pay. That goes for everything. If a man does not do as well as what the next guy does, he should not get more money. These women complaining about not getting paid the same, look at your credentials. Do you have the same or more experience then your co-worker? Are you selling more then the next? Do you complete more projects than your male neighbor? Whatever you want to measure, if you do the same job the same or better than the guy next to you, absolutely you deserve equal pay.
I am all for women's rights like I said earlier, but I just get very annoyed with girls thinking they need extra because they are girls. Just because I am a woman and you need more diversity, I should be hired for a higher job than I am qualified for? No. I am sorry. If you are not qualified, you are not getting more money. You are not getting the job. You need to work hard and prove these men wrong. We are just as smart. We are just as professional. We are just as savvy as the next man. Hire us because we are fantastic. Hire us because being a female strengthens us in addition to the schooling and experience we have worked so hard to acquire.
Being a female engineer, I have come across sexism in the recent years. Whether it be lab partners not letting me do anything because he thinks I am stupid or a guy one time telling me "girls are not suppose to be engineers. Shouldn’t you be doing something with clothes?" This is only two of many instances where my intelligence or confidence was tried. The only thing you really can do is prove them wrong. I took every comment with a grain of salt and worked even harder to achieve my dreams.
I feel like that’s a good philosophy to live by in a general sense. If you let little comments or bullies stop you from doing what you want to do, you will not get very far. To all my gals out there, you are strong. You are beautiful. You can do anything you want to do. Work hard and never give up. Lets show everyone who we are made of.