Super Bowl, Playoffs Edition
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Super Bowl, Playoffs Edition

Why your team should be in the Super Bowl, with my prediction.

Super Bowl, Playoffs Edition

"Eh, playoffs?! Don't talk about playoffs! Ya kidding me?! Playoffs?! I just hope we can win a game!" - Jim Mora

Don't even start with me about playoffs. Every single team from the Houston Texans to the Washington Redskins (should be "Natives") to the New England Patriots (cheaters). All the teams that are in the playoffs have a shot at reaching the Super Bowl. To start off before I go any further, Russell Wilson's "Fail-Mary" throw should ONLY be on the top-10 worst calls in NFL history to go along with Dez Bryant's amazing catch (that was not a catch?!): I'm looking at you, Green Bay (and officials of that game). See, every game in the playoffs is up in the air and nobody knows what could possibly happen this weekend. Maybe another "Fail-Mary," maybe another upset or comeback of epic proportions. Maybe a dark-horse team will make the Super Bowl, maybe not, but the playoffs are definitely entertaining, nonetheless. The playoffs can change in a blink and who knows?

Now, why the [ Pittsburgh Steelers ] should be in the Super Bowl this year:

Martavis Bryant's (WR) emergence and sticking to the run game, despite DeAngelo William's injury (ankle) and Le'Veon Bell's MCL tear, back mid-season. Martavis Bryant has been dropping the baton, I mean football, like, a bunch. Ben Roethlisberger doesn't feel confident at all to throw Bryant's way, though, partially, it has been Bryant's route running that has ailed the Steeler's offense as well. If everything works out with Fitzgerald Toussaint ("Frenchy") carrying the load this Saturday, 8:15 P.M. against the Cincinnati Bengals, in Ohio (Ben's state), then with DeAngelo coming back into the fold:

Hopefully, then, the Steelers will have all the makings of a Super Bowl contender. Steelers 21-20 over Cincinnati: Are you serious? This leads me to my next point:

The [ Cincinnati Bengals ] do not have Andy Dalton at Quarterback, they have AJ McCarron: The back-up Quarterback, the "Tom Brady story." If I do recall a recent 2012 playoff upset of Denver over Pittsburgh, with Tim Tebow at Quarterback, then who knows what upset may occur, but I sincerely doubt that the Bengals will be able to run the playoffs to the Super Bowl, especially without Andy Dalton: Especially with Andy Dalton (0-4 in playoffs; QBR: not good).

The [ New England Patriots ] will not make the Super Bowl this year because of the Deflate-gate debacle. When a coach (Belicheck) and Quarterback (Tom Brady/Baby) talk a lot more than they have to as to defend themselves and contradict everything we know as the public, then they are surely cheaters and lying. It was obvious, it drained them, and they just do not have enough depth and health on their roster to pull out a playoff game like last year (Come On Man!: Pete Carroll play call in THE SUPER BOWL!). Besides lack of depth, if the Patriots play the Steelers, or the Broncos in the championship game, I do not foresee a Patriot, I see a loss (*Belicheck tried to keep the Steelers out of the playoffs).

The [ Houston Texans ] don't have enough power, experience, and capabilities as a team. If the Texans upset the Chiefs this week, after getting hammered by the Chiefs weeks ago, I would be surprised. The Texans are not making it to the Super Bowl. #9-7record

The [ Kansas City Chiefs ] are a peculiar option just because, despite Jim Harbaugh's disowning of him, Alex Smith (QB) has his team in the playoffs, again. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chiefs didn't pull off two wins in the playoffs, but the Super Bowl does not have their number. When the Chiefs face great opposition, they have flaws that they could get over, but not this year. Maybe they reach the Super Bowl in some scenario, but I do not see them winning the Super Bowl in that scenario. #nextyear

Why not the Denver Broncos? Why not Peyton Manning's triumph? "Peyton is not good enough to win a playoff game." The team might be, but Brock Osweiler was their future as an organization! If John Elway, Broncos legend, has any fall-out with Osweiler like their decision to have Peyton play in the playoffs, then there goes the future of your organization. I knew Brock Osweiler was going to be a good Quarterback, but neither Quarterback is capable of bringing home a Lombardi trophy, unless, Brock takes the reins from Peyton (possibly). Otherwise, I foresee less of a chance that the Broncos have of winning the Super Bowl. I could see Brock winning it for them, but not Peyton Manning, but that's not the current circumstances.


The Panthers are defeat-able and I believe the Seattle Seahawks or surprisingly:

The Washington Redskins ("Natives") may have the best chance at upsetting the vaunted Cam Newton-led Panthers squad. The Arizona Cardinals will have their say if they are to survive in the playoffs, but Seattle would most likely crush them again (Sorry, Cardinals, they got your number). The biggest games of the NFC tourney will be this Sunday's game in Minnesota's (Viking's) outdoor winter-fest (COLD) and whoever faces the Panthers in the NFC Championship game if it is destined to be so. The Vikings, Packers, Redskins, GIANTS, and any dark-horse candidate will have to wait until next year unless Kirk Cousins (Washington), Carson Palmer (Cardinals), or Russell Wilson (Seahawks), are really next level Quarterbacks, which is intriguing to wait and see. We'll see. #superbowl


Right now, I see a BRONCOS VS. SEATTLE Super Bowl with SEATTLE yet again winning, but by a closer margin: 31-21. We'll see you this Saturday + Sunday. Playoffs?!

Thank you. The Pres.

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