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Ladies, this is our time

An unpopular opinion of the LIV Super Bowl Half Time show


I hate getting political and I hate talking about heated subjects like this but as a woman, I feel like I need to bring up some possible unpopular opinions.

I have seen mixed opinions about this year's halftime show, and I have mixed opinions about it myself, quite frankly.

I find myself leaning on both sides of the fence in some aspects.

I just needed somewhere to form my thoughts- and so with that, I put pen to paper in hopes to encourage women or men out there who may have felt uncomfortable by watching this year's halftime show.

Quite honestly, before I even began watching the halftime show performed by Miss Lopez and Shakira, I came to expect the half-dressed, prancing around, pop princess imagery that would go down as soon as it started.

Were any of us truly surprised there?

Every year, awards shows and football halftimes sexualize whichever gender be represented- whether it be Adam Lavine or Madonna. That is what the media and music industry in general likes to portray their idols as- eye candy.

That is quite honestly all the Super Bowl staff is looking for when seeking out a performing act- someone who is going to be eye candy for the viewer. They have to be good dancers, beautiful, and have the moves to carry through their lip-synced performance.

I have seen mixed signals in regards to what the women this year portrayed.

Yes, they did pay tribute to their heritage a little bit. That's awesome. I think that should be something they should celebrate.

Yes, they included the little girls, to show them that they can be 50 and awesome, and still killing the game. That's incredible. I think that we SHOULD be empowering young women to stand up for themselves and be whoever they want to be and that they don't have to be thrown to the wayside when they turn 50. Both of those women played that part beautifully.

Yes, I could have turned off my screen if I didn't like it.

But what about those little boys and girls at the Super Bowl party that are watching the men in their lives drool over these women who are flaunting their bodies sexually.
They are probably thinking- I have to be like that if I want men to look at me that way. Or I need a woman like that If I want to be fully satisfied in my relationship.

And before you get all- "You're the reason why men think they can rape women just because of what they're wearing"- on me. Let me just say, I absolutely HATE when people use clothes as a reason for rape. Men and women alike have control over what they choose to do with their bodies and having a short dress on doesn't excuse them to that rule.

BUT. The way that any woman controls their bodies on a stage on a show that is predominantly male-viewed can also be controlled. It seems like a way to say "Look at me boys! Here goes one layer- and another- and another." What are you trying to display to them there? I'm going to take off all my clothes until I get to my underwear, but don't look at me sexually? Plus, their dancers who are male are all there worshipping them as if what they did was magnificent.

No- men do not have the right to tell us as women what to wear- neither do women.

But why can't we, as women, show the future generation that it can be sexy to wear clothes that cover our boobs, butts, or midriffs. Why don't we ever have women on that stage that are dressed that way?

Because the media is telling us that's what is normal. That is what sells.

How come, if this show was supposed to show that culture and women empowering other women is beautiful, that that isn't what anyone is talking about.

It seems as if the performers themselves kind of missed the point.

It was quite distracting.

I didn't initially even notice them paying homage to their cultures.

The dancing and clothes were a distraction from the message they were trying to send.

A lot of people are saying that this was a performance to empower women- but I don't see any men going “WOW. Those are some powerful women who deserve equal pay, equal responsibility, equal benefits, equal job opportunities."

I see this performance telling women to reveal themselves in any way they want.

That's all fine and dandy, but it seems if we were going to pay homage to our country, our femininity, our culture, why does it have to be done in a distracting form?

Why does it have to be in a way that it could possibly make wives, mothers, and honorable men feel uncomfortable?

Yes, we could have turned the channel, yes we could have left the room, but why do we have to?

Shouldn't be a football game be what it is about? Bringing families and friends together to watch a football game?

It doesn't have to get political.

It doesn't have to be a statement.

It's about the music, it's about the love of the game, it's about the commercials and the food.

I've seen a lot of people get in an argument about, “why do people not become outraged when a guy takes off his clothes and runs around the stage." I'm not a guy, I don't know how watching another guy half-naked while sitting right next to my wife who is drooling over his perfectly sculpted abs is like.

But if it makes them anywhere as uncomfortable as watching half naked girls prance around a stage and scream “equality" or “respect me" made me feel, maybe they should also be taking a stand.

I, as a woman, didn't feel respected. It made me kind of examine my own body and think, why can't I look like that? I'm not even 50 and I don't look as hot as those beautiful women.

No hate to JLo and Shakira, who have had outstanding careers and have amazing voices and performance abilities, but it seems like swinging from a stripper pole and stripping down to a thong-like body suit isn't the way to get men to respect us. Drool over us, maybe. But not compliment us on what strong, intelligent women we are.

I believe that women and men alike should all be respected- but is showing off our bodies instead of having an intelligent performance, lyrics, and message, really what you want to be your respect based off of?

In the words of Tori Kelly,

“You see me hanging with my fam, but that don't mean I'm living in a bubble
You'll find me at church, but that don't mean I can't cause trouble
Stir up a little scene 'cause isn't that what you want?
For me to mess up, so you can dress up some story
Saying, Tori this'll sell more records
But I'd rather make 'em yawn than be a pawn on your chessboard
So call me boring, call me cookie cutter
Call me what you want, a matter of fact
Just say it loud and don't st-stutter
'Cause I know who I am, yeah I'm still the same
Just a California girl with big dreams
Thinking maybe they'll let me sing songs about real things
And baby who knows maybe I can sell out shows without taking off my clothes
God made me sexy I don't care if only I know"

So in conclusion, can't we just raise up a generation of men and women who respect each other without having to take off our clothes?

At any setting- super bowl half time or not.

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