Mac, Charlie, Dennis, Dee, and Frank are the main characters of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," in case you are unfamiliar with the show. Each character brings such morally inspiring aspects to the show, making them vital in creating such an artfully developed show. They refer to themselves as "the gang," creating a care-free, 50's era atmosphere that brings simplicity and joy to its' viewers.
To enlighten you with just how genuinely kind these characters are, let me provide specific examples that demonstrate this quality.
Season two takes off by demonstrating their sense of wisdom when Dennis and Dee decide they need to go on welfare. Frank, Mac, and Charlie choose to fire Dennis and Dee (a very difficult decision for them) and Dennis and Dee go to file for welfare because they are obviously not capable to acquire any other jobs.
To successfully obtain welfare, they decided to try crack, so as to pose as crack addicts who needed welfare. While trying to do this, they accidentally missed their doctor's appointment and got legitimately addicted to crack. Now if that isn't something to look up to, then I'm not sure what is. The next time you find yourself unemployed, just get addicted to crack, as that is the most moral solution to that problem.
Perhaps the most seemingly tender character would be Dennis Reynolds. The way he treats women is absolutely heart-warming. He even creates a system to ensure that he treats women with the up-most respect. The system is as follows:
D-demonstrate value
E-engage physically
N-nurture dependence
N-neglect emotionally
I-inspire hope
S-separate entirely
Thus forming the D.E.N.N.I.S. System. Each step is crafted so articulately, so as to reach his desired outcome...which would be respecting women.
Sweet Dee is nicknamed so because of her kind, mother-like qualities. Her most kind moment has to have been when she made a priest fall in love with her (so as to get him to bless the gang's bar to get money) and when he left the church to live a life with her, she told him she did not love him.
From there, his life spiraled out of control as he was now homeless and jobless. He quickly became a drug-addict who lived on the streets. Essentially ruining his life, Sweet Dee made a wonderful impact on him. She selflessly professed her (fake) love for him, and then quickly denied him. Her sense of fierce and passionate love for others is mesmerizing.
If you've ever watched this show, you are aware of how to live your life in a loving, meaningful way. This show basically gives you guidelines of how to live your life. So, if getting addicted to crack, using women, and ruining people's lives doesn't sound fulfilling or inspiring, then you should probably re-think your values.