1. My alarm just went off. It's ten a.m. I need to get up and be productive today. It's time to get my life together.
2. But my bed is so comfy. I'll give myself one more hour to sleep, I deserve it. I work hard all week, and after all, it is Sunday.
3. Shoot! I slept through brunch! Again! Why do I always forget to reset my alarm?
4. Alright, now I'm getting out of bed. Ugh. My bed was so much better.
5. I should really shower , and shave, today, but why? I'm not seeing anyone important.
6. Netflix 'till 2 in the afternoon. After all, it is a day of rest
7. I meant 3, obviously.
8. Guess it's time to be productive now.
9. But first let's go get Dunkin Doughnuts coffee for a only dollar. I need the caffeine to get all my stuff done
10. And stop at Wall-Mart. I need to buy snacks for the week.
11. And maybe Target?
12. It's time to clean my room. This place in nasty.
13. Did I really just spend 40 minutes organizing one drawer?
14. It had to be done! Look how great it turned out!
15. Plus, now it'll be easier to maintain.
16. Now, I should do my homework.
17. But first, we should go get dinner.
18. Well, that took two hours too long.
19. Okay, it is time now. No more excuses. I have to catch up on all my work.
20. But how can I do that if I haven't organized and planned out my week?
21. Got to spend some time doing that. Color coordinating my schedule with my two calendars and assignment notebook.
22. And now it's ten p.m.
23. I am going to start my homework.
24. Wow, that's a lot. I forgot I had all of this.
25. Wonder if my mom's awake? I really need to call her soon.
26. Nope, she's asleep. Or her phone is dead.
27. I wish I was asleep right now.
28. Let's just get through at least one chapter, then I can take a break to get ready for bed.
29. This is so freaking boring!
30. Time to text all these people who I haven't talked to all weekend.
31. Back to work now. Focus.
32. My god, this is so dull. Why do I even need to know this again? How is this ever going to be useful?
33. I need a new pair of fall boots.
34. I deserve a break to online shop.
35. How did I end up here? This is a really sketchy website trying to sell me ceiling lamps.
36. Since I'm already online, I should just look through my Facebook for a second.
37. It's getting late, I should go to bed. I need to be well-rested to be productive this week.
38. I need to fall asleep now.
39. Real quick, just going to check Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat one more time.
40. How did it get to be one a.m.?