Sunday nights are the absolute worst. I wouldn't consider myself to be a procrastinator, but for whatever reason, I am physically unable to do force myself to do any schoolwork on Friday or Saturday (only schoolwork, mind you, because I truthfully get all of my apartment chores finished on most Saturdays). But every Sunday, I am consistently met with the terrible realization that I have to not be human trash and get myself together for the upcoming week. Here's usually how that goes down...
Waking up.
"Oh no, it's Sunday morning." *checks time* "Okay, it's only 11am, I haven't fallen too far behind just yet! There is still hope for today to be productive!"
Crawling out of bed.
"Alright, so now it's closer to 12:30. It's all good, I can still make the most of this! It was absolutely necessary for me to watch an hours worth of YouTube videos and scroll through my politically-charged Facebook feed before really getting a start to my day."
Making breakfast.
Just kidding. My breakfast usually consists of cereal and coffee courtesy of my Keurig. Jessica enjoys her hair of the dog though so I can roll with that. The basic idea is the same; it requires minimum effort.
Getting dressed.
"Well, I'm certainly not planning on seeing anyone today so cozy hoodie and the jeans I've worn for the past three days should go together quite nicely."
Starting homework.
"Let's get down to business! Just gotta check my emails real fast to make sure none of my professors submitted any of my grades. Nope, nothing, they're probably off enjoying their Sunday like human beings... Jerks."
Finishing the first assignment.
"And now it is time to reward myself with another snack and/or YouTube video!" (Again, Jessica prefers whiskey and for completing her first assignment so successfully, I say she deserves it.)
Starting the first draft of an essay.
"So let me get this straight- I'm expected to write 1,000 words for a class that I have at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon but my professor wants us to submit the assignment on Canvas by 11:59pm tonight. Great, I can do this. I still have time."
Inevitably getting distracted from writing said essay.
Don't judge me, you definitely do it too. (In fact, I'm probably willing to bet that you're reading this article instead of doing some homework right now, am I right? Of course I am, Jessica can back me up on this one.)
Carefully researching the topic of this damned essay.
Yes, I am definitely aware that I chose the topic for my essay hoping that if it was something I actually had an interest in then finding sources for it wouldn't be so terrible. I have quickly proven myself to be very wrong. Mistakes were made, but I'm only human.
Taking a break from research...
Returning to the essay.
Feeling pretty good after finally submitting...
...and feeling like that leftover pizza (and whatever else was lying around the apartment) was well deserved.
It's still early, so debating some exercise.
Ultimately deciding against it because please, I worked my brain pretty hard today. No need to reveal my lack of upper body strength to other people in the gym.