In wake of the recent election and shock or overjoy or any emotion that has overcome so many in the last couple days I would just like to remind everyone, the sun will still rise.
I am not one to post my political views on social media because 1. They really do not matter. 2. No matter if I am happy or sad with the outcome of the election, what are my two or 500 words going to do? Change the election? Change the world? No. By remarking on if I am overjoyed and think Trump is going to make America “great again” or whether I am terrified and think this could be disastrous, my views and words are only going to cause an argument or someone’s feelings getting hurt.
Growing up I was constantly reminded, life is not fair. No matter how bad I wanted something, sometimes I just didn’t get it because life is not fair. When your heart gets broke, when you want your favorite flavor of ice-cream and they are all out, when you get a flat tire on the interstate, or when the 2016 Presidential Election does not go in your favor, you realize LIFE IS NOT FAIR. So as I was taught growing up, you keep your mouth shut, move on, and get over it.
Absolutely no amount of arguing or stating your opinion or wishing for something to change is not going to do anyone any good. Now I do believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you feel that your 5-minute rant is going to make a lasting impact on society and really affect those around you then by all means SPEAK, however, just do not be sad or terrified when nothing changes because of it.
The only thing we CAN do is know that the sun will still rise. If we are lucky enough that God gives us another day to live, and be free, and have our freedom of speech, then let’s use it to better ourselves, to better each other and to better the world. Let’s not tear one another down and rage and hate because where does that get us? By putting our trust in a higher power and knowing he has a plan for all of this, we can teach ourselves and our kids and younger generations that life isn’t fair. Life is all about lessons and maybe this is God teaching us a lesson but once again, in your time of worry, despair, or rant of unfairness remember these words and maybe think twice before bashing something you are incapable of changing
“You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” John 13:7
The sun will still rise, we will all get another day to live and breathe and be happy if we choose. Life is not fair but we can choose how we want to live it.