The sun will come out tomorrow. Tomorrow will be better. The future will hold brighter days.
Hope for tomorrow is encouraging but dangerous. What about today? What about right now? If we keep putting our hope in tomorrow, tomorrow will never come.
When we want a change in our lives, we need to get up on our feet and make our own light. Waiting for the sun to come out tomorrow puts all the responsibility on the world rather than our own capabilities. The world doesn't owe us anything, yet we wait on the sun. We wait on the forces around us to make us better, make us happier, and ultimately bring a better tomorrow. We fail to recognize that the cloud hanging over us can be our own self-doubt and negative thoughts.
We think the sun has gone away. We choose to ignore the fact that no matter how sunny, stormy, cloudy, or rainy the weather, the sun remains a constant presence in our lives.
Each and every one of us holds the power to spark change in our lives and in the world as a whole. Each spark looks different and can appear in any place at any time; each spark holding the distinctiveness to become ignited through a different means of energy and passion. Some people find themselves in a place where they believe their light is unimportant or even nonexistent. That darkness we feel, however, can give us an even greater chance to shine.
Look inside. Don't wait around for an outside source of light. The weather and the world will constantly change so put your hope in what you believe because you can't determine the weather but you can determine how you live your life.
Live your life knowing that you have opportunity and you have purpose. Don't let others drag you down. They are just pulling you underneath their clouds and striking you with their lightning. Be strong.
When you feel lonely, beaten down, overwhelmed, invisible, angry, broken, or hopeless, surround yourself with sunny people. You see, darkness can be hidden but light cannot. Light can be shared with others and no amount of darkness can hide a spark of light.
Be your favorite flower. Have strong roots, stand tall, and turn yourself in the way of the light. Fix your eyes upon what matters. Use the light in your life to grow into who you want to be. Spread your seeds as far as you can and encourage the world to join you in a movement towards happiness, mindfulness, and self-love and respect.
Shine bright. Don't wait on tomorrow. The sun is out every day even when you can't see it.
Be hopeful. Be you. Take care of yourself. Be mindful. Love yourself.
Yes, the sun will come out tomorrow.
But even more importantly, the sun will come out today.