You and I are the Sun and the Moon
I, with my smile, see the light in all things
Throwing the shadows and fears away
I create the environment I strive for
You, with your pain, see the naivety
You say you see the world for what it is
Cruel and unforgiving
But you create with it your own beauty
Two opposites that never meet
One awakens, the other sleeps
Together we create something more beautiful then ourselves
Our Eclipse creates a beauty the world only sees every few hundred years
Our love is once in a lifetime
But it is the story everyone tells
You are the one who creates my waves
Who brings my beauty out of me
While never changing who I am
You are the breath in my lungs and the colors I see
When asked why I see so much beauty in this unforgiving world
Often times the only answer I can say is, Him
When two worlds collide from opposite ends
There is a new awakening
New love form
New hope grows
A chance for happiness arises
I once asked why you stay even with all my struggles
You said because you can see your happiness in my smile
Your future in my eyes
Your soul..
Well it matches mine