As I am sure you've heard from Lana Del Ray's hit song from like, three years ago, "Summertime Sadness" is a real thing. Summer is supposed to be a joyous time, and the time of year you look forward to most in your young life, but when you get older, things change. Here are a few examples that Summertime Sadness is real, is affecting you, and plaguing our nation's college students.
1. All you do is work. And then work some more.
As I've grown into a young adult, I have learned that the school year is time for play, and summers are meant for working. If you have a job you love, that's great and probably makes life more enjoyable. But the harsh reality is majority of your summer life is spent at work trying to make money for you to pay your small bills that your parents no longer pay for. And also to spend frivolously (or cautiously, whichever you prefer) when you return to college.
2. You barely see your family or friends from home.
With working a lot comes no time do anything with your family and friends. Typically, summer is when you would hang out with your friends that you don't see while you're away at college, and time to catch up with your family and spend quality time. But when you're working a full time job it's hard to fit time for any of that in your busy schedule. You miss seeing your high school friends all the time and wish you could do crazy hood-rat stuff with them again. And you miss all of the members of your family that you've maybe seen twice all summer, as they surely miss you too.
3. Late nights and fun times seem like a distant memory.
Sure, summer isn't never ending, but when you're used to hanging out with your sorority sisters everyday and going out every weekend, not going out all the time is weird. You long for those crazy nights and fun memories. You can't help but miss those fun times and feel like it's been forever since you go to go out and have no responsibilities.
4. It's rough not seeing "bae."
At school you're used to seeing "bae" all the time. Whether you're always at each other's apartments, hanging out on RA duty, or running random errands with him because you don't want to go alone – you just really miss him. During summer, you go pretty much the whole summer without him, and it really stinks. You just can't wait to be back at school and killing it with your "bae" in August. You want your partner in crime back.
5. You have so many ideas you want to bring to your sorority.
If you're like me, you probably have come up with a million and one ideas that you want to implement in your chapter. You've been in contact with different people in your sorority and told them all about your ideas that you want to do. It may be summer, but that doesn't make you any less anxious to get back and start "slaying" with your homegirls in your chapter.
Summer is rough for some of us, just hang tight and remember summer will be over soon.