If you are a college student living at home for the summer, you already know that after living on campus, home life is much less exciting. Summer in college is nothing like summer in high school. Your group of friends from home isn't as close anymore and most of your friends from home are off doing things in the world and they won't be home anyway. Gone are the nightly bonfires and constant hang-outs with your usual crew. Summer consists of working, Snapchatting your college friends, and taking advantage of your parents' cooking. However, don't fear! I have compiled a list of activities that you can do when the mind-numbing summer boredom hits.
1. Find the weirdest show on Netflix and challenge yourself to get through a whole season of it.
2. Pop in some earbuds, put on your favorite music, and go for a walk in your neighborhood. You never know, things might have changed since you were last home!
3. Do the same as number two, but switch out walking for a relaxing bike ride.
4. Look through any elementary school projects/homework assignments that you might have saved over the years and laugh at your illiteracy.
5. Go to the store at the mall that lets you pet puppies and be happy.
6. Watch Youtube videos of your school's game days to psych yourself up for the fall. It's never too soon to get hyped.
7. Bake/cook something that you saw in a Tasty video and that you really want to try.
8. Try to master the art of the headstand.
9. Craft something for the dorm/apartment/house that you're living in next year.
10. Watch interviews with your favorite celebrities.
11. Get grossly involved in celebrity pop culture and master the details of everyone's dating lives in Hollywood.
12. Drive to your high-school and reminisce.
13. Memorize the lyrics of "Panda" by Desiigner so that you can rap it like a boss.
Hopefully, these suggestions give you something to do during your time at home. The boredom is real, but I'm confident that, with a little creativity, you will survive the summer. You will be returning to school before you know it.