You no longer have your best friend down the hall or down the street. You no longer have someone to go get ice cream or pizza with at literally any hour of the day or night. And you no longer have someone with a second closet of clothes for you to borrow just a few doors down.
Your goodbye to your best friend was the saddest thing you did all year. That last hug until you parted ways for three to four months was most definitely harder than that biology final exam you both studied until 5 a.m. together for. While tears may have shed in that last moment together, you had no idea what you were in for these next three months. Soon after you left school, you were so excited to see your high schools friends and spend more time with your family. Quickly, we realized how fast our nostalgia would grow for school and the best friends we made there.
They warned us about our summers home from college. They said how boring summer would be once you came home. They complained about how hard you would have to work because of how broke you have become. And we heard several times how much you would appreciate your mother's cooking. What they didn't tell us is how hard it would be to adjust to life when your new best friends are miles away.
We spent so much time telling stories, eating, laughing and crying with our college best friends that when the time came to say goodbye, it didn't feel real. And while you were most definitely sad, a part of you was ready to be home from school, too. But it wasn't until you got back into your normal routine that you realized how deeply you missed those friends.
Working, sleeping, and being bored is the summer they pretty much told us we would experience. While everyone is in their hometowns are with their high school best friends, you feel a pinch of jealousy when you see the Instagram posts of your best friend out without you. The days of getting ready together, hanging out in rooms watching Netflix for hours, and sitting at the dining hall with plates of food are the memories I didn't know I would miss the most.
As the dog days of summer are upon us, I can only count down the days until we are back together. It feels like a lifetime away, but the excitement fills my heart. In our friendship, we had more laughs and happiness than I ever imagined. I can never thank you enough for your friendship and I am anxiously awaiting our reunion. Until then, I will continue to FaceTime you as much as possible and constantly send you embarrassing Snapchats.