So you’re a college student on vacation for the summer. For most, that means months without schoolwork, work-study, and obligations for numerous clubs or teams. So even if you are spending these summertime months working or building your resume, we all know that this time is full of freedom and free time that you just couldn’t get during the school year. If anyone is like me, I am using this time to really focus on my Netflix guilty pleasures, sleeping-in, and taking advantage of a fridge full of food that I don’t have to pay for. I can sleep until 1 p.m. and not panic that I should have been in class or writing a paper. But when I finally wake up from my post-finals coma, and finally feel well-rested, I am ready to make my summer dreams come true.
So I do what everyone else does, I look on Pinterest or Twitter, and I see what I can do to fill my time this summer. I come across pictures of people having tons of fun with summer bucket lists filled with ideas for things to accomplish this summer.
I am scrolling past things like “go to Disney World” and “climb a mountain”, and although I give these people major props and encourage everyone to reach for the stars during these summer months, I have compiled a summer bucket list that I think we can all actually complete for those who may be dealing with the it’s-July-and-I-should-probably-stop-binge-watching-New-Girl-kind of summer. Side note: How cute are Jess and Nick though. So here we go…
The Average Girl's Summer Bucket List
1. Go out for ice cream
I feel as though ice cream is a standard when it comes to summer. Nothing beats having ice cream on a warm summer night!
2. Organize clothes
I know, organizing doesn’t normally isn’t the first thing to come to mind when you think of a fun summer day. However, I think summer is a great time to go through your summer clothes and see what you grew out of, which ones you just don’t like anymore and go through your fall clothes to make room for some new.
3. Enjoy being outside
You don’t have to strive to have the perfect tan, but just get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Studies say that just 15 minutes of Vitamin D is good for your bones and overall health.
4. Read a new book
During summer, you can read whatever book you want to read and you don’t have to write an essay about it or over analyze each chapter or what the “deeper meaning” is. I think that there is nothing more relaxing than just sitting and reading a good book.
5. Day without social media
I love Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat just as much as the next person, but there is something about just not knowing what everyone is doing 24/7 and just living your life for a day and not being caught up in the daily Twitter drama or how many likes you got on your most recent Instagram, or to see if Snapchat has a new filter.
6. Spend time with your family
When it is summer, this means it is a great time to spend time with your family. I know during the school year, I don’t get to hangout with my family as much as I want because everyone has such busy schedules. However, sometimes summer is a time that people have a time to relax a little bit and their schedules are a little less hectic. This is the time to just spend some quality time with your family. Even though your family may not admit it, they do miss it when you are away at school and this is a great opportunity to show them that you miss them too.
7. Go see a movie
This summer, there are a lot of good movies that are coming out (Finding Dory, Me Before You, Now You See Me 2). So, take a friend, a sister, or just take some me-time and go eat some popcorn and go watch a movie!
8. Date yourself
I think something very important is to take some well deserved me-time during the summer time. This last year sharing a room with someone and then you come home and you are with your family. Sometimes you just need some time to yourself. Take yourself out to coffee in the morning or maybe out to breakfast. Do some fun things for yourself.
9. Spend time with high school friends
For some people, you haven’t seen your friends from high school in about a year or so. So take this time and go out to lunch, chill by a fire or just catch up and see what everyone has been up to.
10. Try something new
During the summer, it is a great time to try new things. Whether you want to get into photography, get in shape and join a gym or something else that has been on your mind. Whatever it is, try something new and take some chances.
Not everyone’s summer needs to be Pinterest-worthy or be one the most retweeted on Twitter. Summer is the time to recoup from school, refuel your mind and just relax. Spend this time doing whatever you want.