It is that time of year again. The time to lay out and not worry about syllabi, professors, or the outrageous price of textbooks that only seems to be getting worse each semester. Three months to enjoy home cooked meals and the comfort of your own house. It brings a time to catch up with old friends and exchange wild stories from the year, and gossip about kids from high school. As great as the summer is though, lets not lie and say we don't miss our home away from home. The more we tell of our college experiences, the greater that longing to go back becomes. There are a few telling signs that you are truly in withdrawal from school.
Stalking Your College's Instagram
To be honest, I did not even know my college had an Instagram account until a few weeks ago. Now that I've found it, I've spent an embarrassing amount of time going back and admiring the beautiful places on campus that I barely even glance at anymore when I am actually on campus. My future goals now include taking an IU Instagram worthy picture.
Stalking Yourself on Insta
My Instagram stalking has reached new levels. Sometimes, before I even realize what I am doing, I find myself months back in my own account. I tend to go back to the pictures from syllabus week, or tailgating season, laughing to myself at how ridiculous my friends and I are. I've also planned how I can make next year's pictures even better than last.
Wearing Your Free T-Shirts
Lets face it - we bring home tons of t-shirts we've acquired during the year that we would never wear around campus. There's that one that somehow you got in an XXL, or the one that literally everyone on campus owns. At home though, these shirts are an opportunity to show some school pride. They make great conversation starters and we all love a reason to talk about our university.
Becoming an Interior Decorator
Not literally. But that house you are living in with your friends next semester needs some work. A few flags here, a tapestry there. Then, if you are really committed you have sorted through the 29 pages of bedding on Bed Bath and Beyond's website to find the perfect match for you. Basically your group message is filled with HGTV worthy pics of DIYs.
Missing the Townies
You know you long for your second home when you even miss the locals. The overly eager homeless and townies bring a strange sense of comfort. There is that dog that always hangs out on the main street. Do the locals miss us?
As the weeks go by, it becomes harder and harder to not be at school. School is a place to be surrounded by your best friends and brings a sense of responsibility and independence. As much as I appreciate a good meal with my family at the table, I know that my other home has so much for me to go back to. I'm trying to remember to live in the moment and enjoy being home but I know it is only going to get harder...